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The Eagle maker

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Everything posted by The Eagle maker

  1. Hmmm, Masada, isolated location, nothing for the troops to do when they aren't on duty except gamble, drink and whore (no doubt there were 'camp followers'?) Easy way to restrict this is to ensure the troops only have what they need to survive, easier to maintain discipline this way and keep them focused on their job. Like all soldiers, they would have come up with creative ways to make additional income, black market, smuggling, theft etc, controlling the troops finances is merely Commands way to say they are not contributing to a particular issue. I'm an old soldier.
  2. I know that their symbol has been lost to time, but has anyone ever offered up what they may likely have been, based on how other legions were designed? I'm fortunate to have an in-law that is an accomplished silk embroiderer and would like to get her to make a banner, however time is short as she's 86.
  3. Hi All from Australia! I'm just an enthusiast, and military buff. I have been to the site of the battle in the Teutoburg Forest, it was a profound experience, and coming from the other side of the planet, I daresay not too high on many Australian tourists lists of things to see! I also visited the Bielefeld Viaduct on the same day, so as you can see, I'm aware of the 'lesser known' places of military history that most just drive past. Like most Roman Army tragic's, I have a suit or armour on a stand, a couple of spears and a pilum and shield. My plan is to make an Aquila to display behind the stand using an old brass eagle I've had for years, with a banner for one of the legions lost at the Teutoburgwald, which of course is going to have to be 'created'. Also going to make a few more pila because, well, I can. Thanks for having me.
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