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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Tiro (1/20)



  1. I live in Australia so Geo blockings a big problem but a lot of those VOD sites like Netflicks don't let you download any way.Hulu wont even let me on the site,do they offer downloads ? BBC and all those studios are useless if your trying to purchase downloads,they don't like money.
  2. ITunes ??? Ive got a list of 30 documentaries,half of them are the most popular series from those studios and couldn't find one,tried searching by studio,key word ect and could barley find anything.
  3. Amazons the best option ive found but are missing most of those studios catalogues,especially if you want quality downloads.What is KINDLE ??
  4. How goes your day citizens.Im wondering if anyone knows of any sites that sell HD downloads of documentaries and/or docudramas from mainstream studios like BBC,History channel,Discovery channel,Channel 4,National Geographic,PBS ect ??? Im amazed in this day and age these studios don't offer this on their own sites ?
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