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MarcusMettius last won the day on September 30 2015

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  1. Maty - thanks for commenting, and good call. The use of the term "primogeniture-based world" implies a national or global context that is not warranted in this case. I was referring to the author's statement.... (She) clearly understood that I had no prospects within the family. My older brother, Lucius, would get the farm, and my uncle, Lucius... would get the businesses..." Clearly inheritance in Rome at the time was not governed by primogeniture - even girls could inherit. I unconsciously extrapolated the rules of the family outwards to Gallic village life of the time and was sloppy in my use of the term - I am not knowledgeable about the rules of inheritance in Gaul during the time of the Late Republic. My bad! Thanks for keeping me honest.
  2. A Cabinet of Roman Curiosities by J.C. McKeown – A collection of fun facts about ancient Roman life. The chapter named “Not For the Puritanical” sets the tone. Cicero: The Life and Times of Rome’s Greatest Politician by Anthony Everitt – Okay, I’m cheating there. But Cicero was one funny dude, and his one-liners about incest, bribery and the rest are classic! Laughter in Ancient Rome by Mary Beard – I particularly loved her chapter “From Emperor to Jester.” From the quips of Augustus to the antics of Emperor “Whoopee Cushion” Elagabalus it was a fascinating read. Also a warning to comedians to tread carefully among the powerful. Can I cheat and add a movie? A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum. Zero Mostel. ‘Nuff said. The Golden Ass – Apuleius. I mean, lines like, “My proposal therefore is that tomorrow we slaughter him, remove his insides, and sew up the girl in his belly naked – since he prefers her company to ours…” Hilarious! Ughh.
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