I think he wrote something on them aswell, ahh, here it is:
"The issue of the migration of the Koala bear is not has simple as that of the kangaroo. However, it is believed that Koalas were hunted not for their fur or meat, but for protection. Around 3000BC, koalas were viewed as tree spirits by the few residents of Austria. When angered, the spirits would descend with lightning speed and attack by biting and clawing at the back of the neck, instantly severing the spinal column. It was believed that this only happened during a full moon. Ancient cave drawings even show early man worshiping the bears out of fear. Later this evolved into a Werewolf type animal in the minds of the natives. This caused the hunting of the koala bear almost to extinction. Fossil fragments show that, to survive, koalas slowly became smaller, furrier, and cuter. During the time of the Romans, they were sold in the east, and eventually made their way to Australia. They did this by fashioning boats out of the skulls of early Austrians as payment for years of persecution."
Come on, I thought everyone knew that story.