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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Anticleia

  1. The greeks definatley had a habt of being bi-sexual! In the Illiad Achiles is said to be in love with the boy that impersonates him, I cant remeber his name. I'll come back and edit this when its not so late. There are many other refernces to homosexuality, we had the most part of a lecture on it!
  2. Have you read anything by any of these writers? Theres a link below that i have just found on google that has links to to some of their work. Also use an encyclopedia to find out when they were alive, and the politcal climate at the time, and see if you can find anything that reflects this in their work. Well thats how I'd start off anyway! Clicky
  3. Argh this is getting confusing because the two titles are so clsoe together! I'm doing the second one though.
  4. I agree with band of brothers - epsecially the episode they liberated the concentration camps
  5. I have ALWAYS loved history, right from an early age. I must credit this to my Mum and Dad for dragging me around countless ruins and castles every Sunday as far back as I can remember. This made me think about the past, and I have always been of curious nature. Some of my earliest books were children's books on Ancient Egyption archeology, and books on the war - which I was really interested in as my Dad was born in an airaid shelter in London during the blitz! So I credit everything to my parents! what about you?
  6. Im sure there is a painting of a roman feast, with two goats having sex in a picture int he background of the painting - I cant remember whether its a modern painting though, or one recovered from the walls of the ruins.
  7. Yes i agree they suck! I like the format of forums like this one, so you can browse, see who's about etc.
  8. This is the religion the Three Wise Men followed i think.
  9. What other history based forums do you use? I'm interested in all areas of ancient and classical history, and this site is fantastic, but I'd love to find some for Egypt, Greece etc etc aswell!
  10. Nero is one of the most intersting to read about! I wouldnt say he was the best though.
  11. I'm 22 - and feel quite shocked everytime I say my age. I'm nearly the next one up - but we'll not talk about that hahah!
  12. I'm 22 too! What is your university like? I LOVE talking to people from universties in different countries, I would have liked to have a year abroad studying - but I started uni a little late and will not graduate until I'm 24, and I didnt want to be any older than that! what do you want to do with your degree and phd when you are done?
  13. I challenge you to show me one single "great empire" that has NOT killed, destroyed and acted pretty damn badly at some point in it's history?
  14. There were MANY different factors, remember the downfall happened over a long period of time. It depends on whether you want to class the very end (When Constantinople was taken by the Turks) as the downfall, or the gradual reduction in size that happened over many years. As well as looking in books specifically on the Roman Empire, I'd also reccomend looking in books that look at a number of the great empires of the world - these will then have good chapters focusing on the cause and effect of decline leading to the actual downfall. Motyl (2001) "Imperial Ends: THe Decay, Collapse and Revival of Empires" is a good start.
  15. Here is the full picture - just incase you were interested to see.
  16. Thanks guys! Where are you all from? Tell me a little about yourselves! Pompius - thaks it's a lovely picture isnt it I thought it would be perfect for my avatar on this forum!
  17. Hardly any of Livy's work survives, and much of it was written many many years before his birth at a time when historicla sources would not have been as available as they are today. It provides good insights into this period - but I would not take his facts as 'concrete'.
  18. I've got an essay to do on Pompeii... I've got two questions to choose between: What can the decoration and layout of the Pompeian/Ostian house tell us about Roman social life? or How far was the home an extension of the social identity of its owner? Can this idea be applied across different social classes? So I've got two books that I'm reading and gathering research from - Wallace Hadrill "House and Society in Pompeii" and Hale "The Roman house and social identity" - and I've got some good ideas etc etc, but I was wondering if anyone here knows anyhting about this subject and could give em some interesting facts or point me in any relevent directions?
  19. Hi everybody! I have introduced myslef in the after hours forum, not realising this thread was here. Im an Ancient History student at Birmingham University, and I have found my self here looking for some help on an essay, but I have a real passion for all areas of Ancient History so I was surprised and happy to find forums like this exist - and look forwards to chatting with everyone!
  20. I write! I'm on the University paper, and Im hopefully going to be news editor next year.. Im also currently writing an article for the BBC online website!
  21. Hello everybody! I just thought I'd be polite and introduce myself. I didnt realise such forums existed so I am quite excited so get reading and hear people's veiws on various topics. Im an Ancient History student at the University of Birmingham in England. Along with Roman studies, Im also reading about Greece, Byzantium, Egypt and Asia. I've actually come here looking for some research pointers for an essay on Pompeian houses - is that cheeky or normal?
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