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cinzia8 last won the day on May 11 2018

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  1. I tend not to think of the queen as Cleo the pothead, but anything is possible in this world.
  2. Guy: Is it documented that Cleopatra was a cannabis smoker? From what I read on those links, there isn't a lot of evidence for its use by smoking it.
  3. Guy, was this dramatization taken from a movie? From the sources you listed, there seems to be some evidence that hemp seeds were used for medicinal purposes. Thanks for putting this up. Cinzia
  4. Hardly inelegant. I like how the phrasing sounds, (writers are about the rhythm of words. I will remember this perhaps for a title) and what a great resource. :-) All the information you've given me will really help a lot.
  5. What an interesting name for the digest. I almost think it would make an intriguing book title: The Law of Assassins and Poisoners. That's good news about opium (the name and availability). This is great information!
  6. Definitely! I imagine in an empire of such magnitude that some people knew very well how to alter their consciousness not only for spiritual reasons but also for respite from physical pain and their reality. Can you imagine living in those times? You might need a good buzz now and then. Ha! ha! I will have to research if I can use the word 'opium' (did the process exist in the far east in the 5th century? Was it something smuggled to market or openly sold?). Maybe it was manufactured in the Western Empire. Euphoric powders. ?? Hmm. I have a new challenge! I write romantic historical adventure-mystery in the 5th century (Outlander meets Late Antiquity). Many readers (although it's fiction) will take the history presented as fact. I do my best to portray as accurately as possible. If I deviate, I will include this in my Author's Note. But I really like to represent the history as we understand it today. Thanks again for your help and thoughts. Cinzia
  7. Hi, all: Did the Imperial Romans use any kind of drug? I write novels set in Late Antiquity and I'm always looking for flaws to inflict upon my characters. :-) I started thinking did they 'party' with anything other than wine? I don't know if I've ever seen any reference to this habit for these times. I will probably research the topic, but I thought I would start here. There had to be something, right? Poppies grew in ancient Rome. Were there opiates? Cinzia
  8. Wow! A great defense and many valid points made in regards to the connection to the church, military, transportation and the lens Gibbon would have been looking through based on his experiences. I may go and see what he has to say about late antiquity, my favorite place. Cinzia
  9. Thanks, Barca. This is a great resource. I've never had the chance to read Gibbon, so this explains a lot and points to a new resource for me. It's amazing how the PG became so powerful. Cinzia
  10. Thanks, Barca. Sounds like they had a lot of power for a protective force. Cinzia
  11. Thanks, Caldrail! I wiill definitely check these links out. You're Semper Fi. :-) Cinzia
  12. Hi all: I'm writing a series set in the 5th century Roman Empire. It's fiction and the Emperor Marcian in the east will assign a dangerous task to the hero and heroine. They need two men to provide some 'special forces' backup. I was going to pull these two characters from the Praetorian Guard, but I discovered that the PG was defeated in battle by Constantine and the unit was disbanded. Does anyone know what replaced them? It seems they did quite a bit more than just protect an emperor. Any resources or information is appreciated. Cinzia
  13. It may be symbolic, but the artist (artists) had to have a point of reference. It's very nice to look at. Thank you for all this information. It really is quite helpful. :-) Cinzia
  14. Thanks for checking!! This note was in my email notification from you, but I don't see it here. [btw. here is a Roman coach also from around my neck of the woods, so two horses seems to be the standard even though the tracks seem quite narrow.. its from Maria Saal (near Virunum) and that slab is reused in the outside wall of the catholic Dome...]
  15. Viggen: Here is the link to the museum in Cologne. When I look at that coach (which will be pictured on the museum's website) they look wider than the road tracks and the coach's cabin. And yes, if you visit your local museum in June, if you come across any information about vehicle proportions, please inquire. As you may already know, there were a variety of different sized vehicles like we see in our cars today. When I was walking toward my SUV the other morning, it struck me that from a distance I was reminded of the image of the Roman coach. Haha. :-) http://www.museenkoeln.de/roemisch-germanisches-museum/pages/4.aspx?s=4
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