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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

Cleopatra Aelia

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Aelia

  1. I guess you refer to a documentary about the excavation of a gladiatorial cemetery in Ephesus by the Austrian Archaeological Institute. They found out about the diet of the buried person by examining something in the bones, as well what type of sports/profession he did by seeing that some parts of the bones were thicker due to some stress which was on the bones caused by the specific movements of that profession. You still have these things today at professional athletes.
  2. That would be a movie to look forward to and I, too wonder how in this case the book is turned into a film esp. since I loved the book a lot. But I guess it will take a while before the movie will screen here in Germany
  3. What I've read so far (an I refer mostly to the book "The Complete Roman Army" by Adrian Goldsworthy) the testudo was used only when storming against a wall and the defenders of the wall were shooting arrows or throwing stones from it. It doesn't seem to me that the Romans used this formation in an open field battle.
  4. Hi there, I voted for "I am another type of Pagan" because I'm Asatru since it feels natural for me to follow the gods the people in this area (Hamburg, Germany) worshipped before they were turned into Christians. Of course I'm open to learn about other religions and don't mind a good discussion on religious topics.
  5. Hi Folks, Thanks for your hearty welcome. The other forum I attend is that of the Societas Via Romana, here's the link: http://www.societasviaromana.org I've never heard about allempires.com It's so strange for years I was trying to find a forum about Ancient Rome to share my passion for this period with other and now I suddenly come across so many of them. I guess once you found one you will found loads more because of links etc.
  6. I'd just read that Augustus was not pointing it out too clearly that the Republic was dead and that Rome had become a monarchy, that's why he used always the title princeps meaning the first among equals. He still refered to the Senate which was still influential though not as much as before. Instead of two leaders, the consuls, which were elected for one year, he was now the sole head of the Senate for his lifetime. Therefore I would say that Princeps Senatus was his most important title. Was there ever a Roman Emperor who was considered already during his lifetime as God? Many of them, even Augustus were deified after their death. The Romans always looked down on the oriental kingdoms who declared their kings as gods like the Egyptian Pharaohs etc.
  7. Hello everyone, I am an enthusiast concerning Ancient Rome and am already quite active at another forum. Someone from that forum had pointed out this forum so I checked it out. So here I am, I used the same nick as at the other forum where we all have chosen Roman names. Now I'll go and check the forum out more closely.
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