You're never going to find historical situations that are exact matches of each other, but I think there are enough similarities to speculate. Remember, I said this was a quick draft, not an in depth analysis.
I did not say it was exclusive to the Chinese, I think its just the most commonly known one so that's why I mentioned it.
There is no need to split hairs here. Like I said there will be dissimilarities all over in any historical compairson, it does not mean that it is invalid to make that conpairson. I think the important aspect here is the fact that control, even if loose control, was thrown off by active effort and a Republic was formed. Matters little if the controlling hand was heavy or light over time, the same level of strife at the moment it happened is apparent.
And also many offices of the Republic were nothing new but actual existing Etruscan creations.
There are still plenty of similarities.
That hardly matters about the particulars of how it happened, what counts is the population becomes mixed and you have a similar blood aristocracy in effect.
Rome was an agricultural based economy, and it was the fundamental of what fueled its economy. The fundamental of the American economy are corporations. Same patterns of wealth distribution, matters not if its in grain or software.
I think I agree with ya on this one.
Hm I dunno, you still have a large scale mixing of populations in the form of slaves and immegrants to Italia, and particularly to Rome. Its these areas that form the tempo of political and social life in their entire empire.
Particularly if that analysis is OVERLY critical!
Out of curiosity, do you have any better ideas for parallels for America's situation, or even a different matchup that works better for your seemingly impossible standards?