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Favonius Cornelius

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Everything posted by Favonius Cornelius

  1. It would be cool if the shield designs could be regional to suggest different legions as it was.
  2. I think you still had a Praetor who dealt with foreign affairs such as these with client states? Praetor Perigrinus? Bottom line was though, a Roman citizen theoretically can always appeal to the Emperor himself. Benefits of citizenship. Theoretically. These are ancient times you know. Unless the man has a big name, probably no one would notice the disappearence of someone unknown in a distant land...
  3. They were able to do it because they in the end controlled the economy and army. Later in the Republic when the army stopped being recruited from landed citizens, but rather became a professionally maintained army anyone could get into, the vital connection between citizen and power was cut. I think this is one of the major reasons for the fall of the Republic. No Republic can survive if too much power is allowed to be focused into a few points.
  4. Why did it happen? Was there a moral decline? Did the times get harder and harder and force officials to become more corrupt to maintain their own standards? Did the sanctity of the empire become blemished from constant civil war such that no one believed in it anymore?
  5. Here is one for you. If Alexander kept to the true Macedonian ways and not been a drunken fool on many occations, could he have convinced his men to march into India and beyond?
  6. I've always admired the early plebs as a whole in the Roman Republic, the ones who forced concessions on the patricians, opening up offices and forming the plebian tribunate. Genucius, Licinius Stolo, Sextius.
  7. There is always corruption everywhere. Was it any more so in the Empire? Perhaps during the later years, but I see it more as an effect of harder times than a cause in itself.
  8. You scored as Antoninus Pius. Your attention to good character and stability has earned you your standing as Antoninus Pius. Your long and moderate reign is probably one of the most peaceful epics in human history up to the modern age. It is too bad more emperors did not share your humility.
  9. You scored as Domitian. Being Domitian isn't easy. The only way you understand how to do things well is by doing them yourself, and indeed you do them well, but the exclusion of important men from the process will eventually earn you your death. You are typical of many Roman emperors: thanklessly efficient and misunderstood due to the machinations of your enemies.
  10. You scored as Commodus. Way to go, you are Commodus, harbinger of the end of the empire. Your megalomania resembles Caligula's, but you are at least popular with your fixation on the games in the Coliseum. Despite your best efforts to promote yourself and your so called golden age, no one is convinced. After you come 100 years of bloody civil war.
  11. You scored as Nerva. As Nerva you will have a short reign, but only because you are quite old. You have no enemies, have good relations with the senate and make a number of very prudent decisions for the empire. A well earned 'Hail Caesar!' to you.
  12. You scored as Caligula. Your endearing nickname 'Little-Boots' will become associated with fear and madness later in life. While your reign started out on a good note, your warped upbringing and probably mental deformity will cause you to be known to history as the worst of Roman emperors. You will die assassinated a hated man.
  13. You scored as Tiberius. You are Tiberius, actually a good emperor in the scheme of things, but eventually you will become hated because you hated yourself and your role. You never really wanted to become emperor, and you never really got what you wanted in life. These unfulfilled aspirations will lead to dark moods and an eventual indulgent isolation on the Isle of Capri.
  14. You scored as Nero. The man who is said to have played his fiddle while Rome burned, You are Nero and the last of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. Probably misunderstood by history for your methods, you will be seen as a fop and a fool who loved himself and the arts too much. You will die on your own knife just as soon as the need for action presents itself.
  15. You scored as Claudius. Dear Clau-Clau-Clau-Claudius. One of the most curious of the emperors, you have a clubbed foot and stammer all the time, but these have only served you well in avoiding notice. Behind the facade of a fool is a penetrating intellect that will lead the empire wisely. You conquer Britannia, and later the BBC will make a series about you. Your kind heart however will do you in, as your loved wife will poison you for her own schemes.
  16. You scored as Vitellius. You are Vitellius the fat! You live up being emperor while you can because you know the world around you could collapse at any moment. Perhaps you dwell on this fact too much, because after a few months your legions will be defeated and you will die in humiliation for your sloth.
  17. Wow...you've even had personal communication from people? Amazing how personal people can get, especially when I think of how remarkably diplomatic you have always tried to be. It seems like its either 1. Carnival extremists who love that show so much they hate anything else that comes out on HBO or 2. the academically jealous, heh.
  18. Really? It's making its rounds all across online journals everywhere. 15224[/snapback] No kidding? Gosh I almost feel important haha.
  19. I agree a very cool place, and a lot more academic than Ancient Worlds.
  20. I made that quiz. *bow* I know, it could be a bit shorter. You scored as Vitellius. You are Vitellius the fat! You live up being emperor while you can because you know the world around you could collapse at any moment. Perhaps you dwell on this fact too much, because after a few months your legions will be defeated and you will die in humiliation for your sloth.
  21. Ah Celts in the act of destroying innocent, peaceful villages. Why am I not suprised?
  22. It's interesting how one of her legs was recarved but then they quit the effort.
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