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Favonius Cornelius

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Everything posted by Favonius Cornelius

  1. Speaking of Holloween, my girlfriend and I are going as...yes as Caesar and Cleopatra..
  2. You can go ahead and just call me 'sir' if you like. You know, this whole discussion has made me realize, the decked out crusading knights of our dear Christian nations in the medieval period owe their very style to the infidel Persian cataphracts that started it all. Before them I have never read of fully armored cavalry. I bet the ancients even thought it would be a bad idea being weighed down as much as that. Cavalry took a damn long time to develop fully when so much of it seems common sense.
  3. It seems like that period is chuck full of migrations in all parts of the world, and then when you have recorded history going, not many more migrations aside from the steppe peoples. Would it be correct to say that these 5000-1000 BC migrations were due wholly to the lifestyle of these peoples, almost hunter/gatherer in nature, or is 'migration' a historian's cop-out to explain something he just has no clue about?
  4. Mons Graupius Mons Graupius, every bleeding heart, barb lovin, 'it wasent a Darl Age' revisionist's favorite moment. You have to pick the weeds before sowing the crop Calgacus.
  5. What is the worst Byzantininan kataphracts ever met with regards to the various nations to the east, Persians, Turks etc. They probably were equipped like Kataphracts.
  6. Seems the only Roman provinces in the general area near Helvetia would have been Alpes Poeninae, Alpes Cottiae, Cisalpine Gaul, Germania Superior, Rhaeta or Agri Decumates. Seems there was never specifically a Helvetia province but the actual land of Helvetia was distributed between the above mentioned provinces.
  7. Very cool. Collecting Roman coins is actually something I want to get into later in life, hopefully I can make good use of this. Need to save my money at the moment for a few things though.
  8. Born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago near Schaumberg, then spent 4 years in Urbana/Champange, then 5 now in San Diego California. (Had enough after 24 years of Chicago weather!)
  9. Honestly about 7 years ago I just picked random nomen, praenomin, cognomin for the Ancient Worlds web site way back in the day and I've been using the same one since, Favonius Cornelius Pola. Favonius as the god of the western winds, Cornelius an aristocratic line, Pola just a city in the northern Adriatic.
  10. Happy belated birthday senior officer!
  11. Speaking of ultimate tank action, did any medieval nations ever attempt to bring back the elephant? A plate mailed elephant would have made for quite a surprise I imagine.
  12. Ever see this? http://www.sankey.ca/caesar/
  13. I'm having a hell of a time getting my BI started. For some reason my computer freezes 5-10 min into it. Very frustrating. Anyone have similar problems? I have a fully updated Radeon 9800 Pro.
  14. Speaking of Celtic nationalism, what are people's thoughts on it? Does it go too far?
  15. Hm, I wonder just how many men of the XXth could claim to have really experienced all that, when you consider legionary reinforcement from deaths, retirement, rotating shifts and so on. Just because 'Legio XX' was with Caesar in all these cases does not mean that Legio XX was made of the same men every time...
  16. Conquest of Parthia would also have been a real cash cow, during and always after with the silk road caravans.
  17. As worst politician, I would say the Emperor Elagabalus is high in my books. I guess you could hardly even consider him a politician, even though an emperor had to be. Amazing about how some of these ancients virtually begged to be assassinated.
  18. Caesar was about to possibly conquer Parthia but not Germania. Perhaps if Caesar had been successful, being rid of a powerful eastern empire could have changed everything.
  19. Hm, so you think that the most heavy armored cataphract was not as heavy? I am thinking that while full plate can be more awkward as you suggest, I think the alloys they eventually used coupled with angular technology actually weighed less than the full coat of iron scale mail and a scaled horse.
  20. Rome Total War. No seriously! It is one thing to read about it. To see it in action can really give you a feel for what it could have been like.
  21. Well actually, widowed women had many legal rights through most of Rome's history. You might like to be the widow of a rich merchant, in complete control of your household and property somewhere nice!
  22. The times be ugly, best to not have a name at all! With a little money you could live like a king in ways totally unlike these modern times.
  23. This is some hot stuff. I remember the first time they probed the first door. Hope they don't find just a wall of sand. Any idea what they plan on doing if 1. they find more tunnel or 2. they find his tomb full of stuff. How does one get there?!
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