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  1. Hi This has probably been Asked quite a few times on Here. Sorry I have Not been on Here in a long time. I have been doing some searching on the Internet. I can not find out Where Julius Caesar Had a part in The downfall of Spartacus . Can anyone Please tell me or there a web site that someone Knows of that will tell me if this is True or not ? Thank you for any help on this.
  2. have to be doing something wrong. i go on to the smiths dictionary to enter the name i am looking for a page does come up just not with the name i am looking for.i put in the name where it has search this site google i have it on ancientlibrary.com not www sorry about bothering people on this. thank you
  3. Hi Nephele thank you for that information. can i ask you is that the web site link to where you found that from when they died? thank you again Hi Kev, If you click on the link supplied by Neph then it will take you to Smith's Dictionary...... There you enter the name you are looking for in the search engine and it will take you to the the page giving you a brief history of the person in question. Hi Gaius Paulinus Maximus thank you i will try that link out
  4. Hi Nephele thank you for that information. can i ask you is that the web site link to where you found that from when they died? thank you again
  5. Hi i hope someone can help me with this. i did a google search with no luck i am looking to see if there is web site that i can put in someone's name to find out when they died? [1}atia of the julii {2} octavia of the julii {3} marcus agrippa {4} caesarion thank you for any help on this.
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