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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Artimi

  1. Hi there Does any one have any recommendations for this? My sister (87) is interested in this. Thanks
  2. I will have to reread it. I thoroughly enjoyed it the first time I read it.
  3. YES~ Loved that book.. my sister said she would return it...
  4. my sister has the book. now I just have to get her to bring it back.....
  5. Hi. now on the name menu there is a log out button. Also I am tickety boo or peachy keen. depending on the tone of voice you use will indicate how you are doing 😀
  6. Hi, The book in question was about a Roman coin - from it production through hands of many people as travelled in the Roman Empire.. The many short stories of the people who handled the coin were so good. Please help
  7. Hi, I took the course on Portus offered by FutureLearn. It was well worth the time. The only thing that was above my pay grade (as an elderly crotchy person) was all new technical archaeological tools available. They really do allow 3 dimensional thoughts about what is underground. Also I wish I could go back in time and see an aerial view of the port.
  8. After reading the article, I thought about the engineers in my extended family. and I will have to think more. We have as many nurses and teachers as engineers, so my family at least balances the problem....(sarcasm - where is smiley - emoji or what every) I did post this on FB to see if the engineers would comment.
  9. as in the message... there really isnt any consistency as to how this site decides I am to log in or log out or where or what... It doesnt like me.
  10. Hi . when I sign in on the main forum page... it doesnt show that I have signed in but when I go to one of the topic, I show signed in.. but when I try to sign out, it either ignores me or says I dont have the authorization??? Help???
  11. as soon as i have figured out how to download ebooks from any source to an Ipad... the fun I will have..
  12. I finished the course this week.. I quite enjoyed it and it was nice to as active as I wanted to be or not. I started the course Exploring the Oceans this week. I found it very interesting and informative. Again a lot extra links to click if you should want to pursue a subject. Saw pictures of the dumbo octopus. boy what a cute little creature.
  13. http://sites.duke.edu/dukeresearch/2014/10/16/3d-storytelling-of-livias-villa/ book marked it cause the video has a few options and requires some concentrated time.
  14. Read the review, seems a good one to add to my wish list
  15. I am enjoying this course much more that the Portus course. Could be I now know what to expect but also because Hadrian's wall has more of a mystique(???) to it.
  16. I have enjoyed lesson 1. I went through quickly last night... and for the rest of the week will look at the suggested reading etc.
  17. Yes, I have signed up and looking forward to it. I did take the Portus course. I found to properly learn and enjoy the course, it took me more than 3 hours per week. I hadn't taken an archaeology course is so many years. The science involved has truly grown.
  18. ahh.... yes.. non controversial. Scipio Africanus was a general who learned.
  19. Artimi

    Ben Hur 2016

    Same here Valka, the chariot race would probably CGI... (and I even know what CGI means......: )
  20. New season starting soon for NCIS and NCIS LA and new series NCIS New Orleans. But is the original NCIS I really like..
  21. The Last Ship is good old fashioned Scifi - but I find some it way to real...the behaviour of people in a destroyed society. Love NCIS the 'old' English Murder mystery series.---- Midsommer Murders, Inspector Gently, The Blacklist and Person of Interest. What is frustrating is so few episodes are made and then repeated and repeated.
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