I agree utterly with Honorius' points here - but from the point of view of an atheist. During the period 650 - 900 one sees a constant shrinkage of Byzantine territory, with a corresponding haemmorhage in its treasury. I cannot help but think this damage was caused partially by this useless and pointless conflict. It remains a constant mystery to me why such useless yet damaging conflicts about minor religious differences have occurred throughout history - and continue to do so.
Well, I see what your saying, and to be honest I thought the exact same way (im not an atheist far from it actually) but I never understood how stupid little differences caused so many problems. On the Icon issue, many people of the time thought that icons were idol worship, and I can see where they are comming from. I recently read into it, however, and found out what we orthodox truly believe about icons. we dont worship the wood or the paint or the image on the icon. we dont even worship the person IN the icon. (exept if it its jesus or god), we use icons as a form of rememberance of the lives of those depicted and we decorate our churches and homes with the icons to remind us of the lives of the saints, and to remind us to pray. the images we use are of the byzantine style (no renaissance images that are realistic portrayals of people) which depict a loose interpretation of the imahge of the person not a realistic representation. there is a great explanation of icons in the book "The Mountain of Silence" and "The Orthodox Church". In chapter 6 of "The Mountain Of Silence", Fr. Maximo compares icons with photos you take with a camera. he explains that when you take a picture of a loved one, and you hold the picture to be dear to you, it is not worshiping the person in it. if for example your mother or your wife dies and you have her picture with you and you kiss the picture before you go to sleep or anything like that your still not worshiping the person. the same with icons. we see icons as spiritual "pictures" of saints or jesus or god, that remind us of their lives. there is much more to say on this subject but i think i have covered the main points, i guess the reason for iconoclasm was in fact lack of understanding on the part of the iconoclasts. any thoughts on this?