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Everything posted by Germanicus

  1. rvmaximus, the Neanderthal thing is a bit much. You yourself have already debunked the arguement. I've edited the thread so as to indicate a discussion on what it was that made the Legions superior. Perhaps if you just wanted to create a theory - get something to back it up, and make it one you believe in. I myself am with the training. There's a vast difference between being "trained to kill at a very early age and fight in groups", and Roman discipline, formation fighting and complex manouvers. You also have to remember that most "barbarian" nations, didn't have a standing army.
  2. Both are Germanic in the classical sense. We associate Thor etc with Norse mythology, because they were Germanic tribes that hung onto the old ways for longest, as Ursus mentioned (Correct me if I'm wrong Ursus).
  3. There can really be no question that he was a product of his environment. You can't see that Cato ? Another thread perhaps as you suggested.
  4. Yes, but you're right to ask it in this way Pertinax, as it's not something one could speculate on if one hadn't been under threat and acted similarly. I wouldn't break it down into three actions though.
  5. I don't think he was mad, just a sociopath, not insane though.
  6. I can't think of a mutiny in the period where the Commander didn't become excitable and emotional. Emotion was the way they usually appealed to their troops when other efforts failed. Germanisus was no different in this regard accept that he did actually quell the mutiny. Indeed with donative concessions to the troops, but this was becomming the norm. It speaks volumes that he didn't seize power when the opportunity was given, something I've no doubt his wife would have actively persued, had she been "wearing the pants" so to speak. As for Tiberius, I'm in Catos camp. Don't worry about offending any heros, I'm not emotionly attached to some Roman that died 2000 years ago, I just like the name, it has a special significance for me.
  7. At least there are some things we can agree on. Nothing else can be proven beyond doubt. The reason this discussion goes round and round is that it's kind of like a "What if" thread. Would the republic have renewed itself if there were no Caesar - not in my opinion, it was doomed, but we'll never know, at least we know we don't agree. Nice one Virgil, one of things I loved about the book was his bluntness.....and his disdain for Cicero, but that's just me.
  8. As you are undoubtedly aware - I wrote the favourable review. I am however also aware, and made the point in the review that Parenti writes from one, biased perspective. Most of his other books give a Michael Mooreish treatment to their subjects too, and are not concerned with Ancient Rome. I have no doubt that there are other, more in depth studies of the period and events that I have yet to read, that provide different points of view. As to your hatchet job, I look forward to reading it - it is what you're best at after all. (This is not a negative thing either - your posts always make me think, which is why I like this forum). With regard to your comments re Optimate/Populares - what do you think either side was for ? Or are you just argueing that this can't be distilled down to such a simplistic treatment ?
  9. Hey LW - why don't you have it sent to another adddress ? Your Mums work or your dads work for example ? Should skirt around your mums paranoia ! Congrats everyone !
  10. I didn't realise you could set your blog to Approve comments, not that I would disapprove, regardless of the comment myself. Anyway - It's been a week of Christmas parties, for work mostly. One with clients (terrible) and one without (not terrible but not that great either). I find it difficult to socialise with people from work outside of working hours. To me it's like - You can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends. I'm not at the job to make great friends, I didn't choose to spend every day with these people, I simply chose to make some money. They say "Lets go to the movies" to which I'd like to reply "I'd rather go with my friends" they say "Lets go out for a drink", to which I'd like to say "I'd rather do that with friends". As I don't generally say those things, I end up making excuses. To which they say "Why don't you come out with us?" To which I'd like to say " Because I have a life", they eventually start to imply "Don't you like us?" To which I'd love to reply "Well no....not really"
  11. Good one Andrew !I just picked up a Penguin translation of The Satyricon by Petronius and The Apololocyntosis by Seneca, looking forward to reading it !
  12. Nice post Cato, you didn't even call my argument "irresponsible" I suppose Marius really paved the way for those Provincials like Cicero. So your opinion is that the Republic was sick, but that it could have recovered had it not been for Caesar, and you have indicated in previous posts (at least one I believe) that yes, other players could have averted disaster even then by not prosecuting Caesar, but you feel they couldn't do that because it would have broken the law. I am aware that there were reforms in response to crisis in the republic, food crises, external threats etc. But obviously not the right ones, like the major overhaul that I believe was required, and have difficulty seeing produced and pushed by those oligarchs with power in the Roman Republic.
  13. Do you think allowing the lower classes into the legions was a bad law reform ? I agree that "bad" men as you put it were largely responsible, although I don't classify them as bad. But there was a kind of inevitability about it when you think about it. Polybius describes the senate and it's control over the treasury as what kept would be powermen in check in the republic. But with the increase in lands, and governors for them, and their need to act somewhat autonomously, and control money in their provinces etc etc. To a certain extent the span of territory outgrew a republic more suited to the city state it was founded in. As such I do believe that the republic was "doomed" without serious reforms that were never even attempted or mooted by either side in politics. Mistakes were made by many lawmakers, and most, well maybe most, with the best of intentions. The conflict between Caesar and the Boni sounded the death knell, Augustus closed the coffin, but the disease began well before these characters walked the stage.
  14. Seriously though, they're Australians
  15. I could turn to my right and ask my co-worker Raghu, originally from Madras, or I could just answer you by saying that I have plenty of Indian Australian friends and don't know any one personally with any ill feeling toward them. The "people yelling at the lebonese" would probably have a problem with anyone comming into their small area who wasn't a local at the present time.....things need to cool down up there considerably.
  16. Just wondering if I'm doing something incorrectly or if there's an image size limit. I successfully uploaded one photo, but every time since then I get a "Cannot find server" windows error page. I'm using exactly the same PC.
  17. Sextus...No, it means certain small and small minded groups have a negative feeling toward multiculturalism. Most Australians as mentioned "the majority" have no such ill will, in fact they enjoy and embrace it......part of the "populate of perish" feeling some earlier governments have pushed, to the countries advantage.
  18. In reading AD69 which I was kindly sent to review, the author Gwyn Morgan uses Tacitus, Suetonius and Plutarch extensively with a heavy emphasis on Tacitus. He mentions the Praetorian Gaurd a lot, and indicates that they were not always the best troops selected from various legions, but that they were often there as part of a "jobs for the boys" scheme. For example - Vitellius promoted created 15 cohorts after becommig Emperor from just 2 legions, and almost all the Legionaries were offered the opportunity. Now of course, it was in his interest to create new gaurds loyal to him, but it does undermine the idea I always had that they were handpicked, crack troops. As does some of his descriptions of their fighting ability. Undeniable is that they were given the best and latest equipment, and many perks. There is an overwhelming feeling in Morgans descriptions that even the greatest military men in the gaurd were "softened" by their city living. Any thoughts ?
  19. Borat was/is a classic. Sacha Baron Cohen is married to an Australian soap star. Seemed like an odd match when I first heard about it.
  20. I speak English and basic Thai, lived there for while teaching english. I would like to learn German, I like the way it sounds.
  21. Great photo ! It certainly does convey the difficulties an assault on the castle would entail.
  22. I really enjoyed reading this too LW, you're very descriptive, and as Tobias said, I'm not usually into short stories. Keep it up ! On the subject of female Gladiators, I believe there were many.
  23. Perhaps he only wore it until his power was fully cemented. I'd never heard of it before, but it seems just the sort of trump card the wiley guy would have played for any would be assasin. I agree Flavius, not a completely surefire way to prevent a stabbing, but better than bare flesh I suppose.
  24. Germanicus


    Sure...It was intentional, I've done a lot of paintings and prints using an X-ray technique. I've been heavily influenced by Francis Bacon and an Australian artist Godwin Bradbeer, they both often X-ray sections in their paintings. Other influences I guess are pop artists like Larry Rivers, David Hockney. I have a fine art degree with honors. In terms of painting my feeling has always been that If I want an exact drawing of something - why bother ? Why not just take a photo ? I like to try to get my paintings to trancend what they are actually "of" and convey a feeling or sensation. Sometimes they're totally abstract, with no recognisable feature at all, but nothing groundbreaking there. Thanks for the comment though, I appreciate any feedback.
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