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Everything posted by Crispina

  1. Ave, all! Long time no post, but never stopped checking in now and then. Like the new forum. Very interested to see a news blip about the Mausoleum of Augustus is to be restored. I admit, this is the first I knew of it. Were the remains of Augustus and his wife Livia,Tiberius, Claudius, Nero, and Caligula really interred here? I read that the building suffered greatly over the centuries, but will we ever know what became of the "bones and ashes" of the afore mentioned Roman emperors? Why wouldn't this be important to historians down through the ages?
  2. I've been here 34yrs. and have never brought in a metal detector. Alot of what I find when digging is shards of a thick blue and white china. I save them. Also bits of rusted metal parts, a horse shoe, and bullets(!). Maybe the bullets were used to shoot the china dishes. When breaking apart the concrete floor of the small front porch one year we found a buggy axle used as rebar. Yes, I am in USA - Ohio. The Indian Head penny I regretfully gave to a collector. Wish I had kept it. Like you, I suspect there are more coins scattered about but then again there may have not been that many children who could afford even a penny in their pocket, especially looking at old class photos of them. They seemed very poor.
  3. I live a one room schoolhouse built probably in the 1870s, at least this present building appears to be from this time; and an original outhouse is still on the property. It was still in use up until late 1940s/early 1950s when indoor plumbing was put into the then school/dwelling. Pretty sure some of the structure may have been rebuilt over the years altho it still had it's cedar shake roof up until about 6yrs. ago when it pretty much succumbed and I had it shingled. The pit had been lined with concrete at some point also. As far as I know it has stood in its present spot all these years. When I moved in I found the pit filled with junk from the PO, and I've never ventured to clear it out. For all I know someone may have also filled it up with cement. If not, it would be interesting to see what articles were thrown in or lost by school children over the years. I once dug up an old ink well where a large porch used to be across the front and found an Indian Head penny while working in a flower bed - and a Boy Scout ring!
  4. Today I was looking at a site that posted historical photographs that had been colorized. Facinating. I thought something similar was posted on UNRV once showing Roman portrait busts of certain emperors painted in life-like colors. I know it is widely thought that most were painted garishly but there have been sculputres found that indicate otherwise right? I recall a large sculptured head found underwater(?) not too long ago.
  5. I tried finding that thread some time ago because I've forgotten my "Roman name".
  6. Yes, thanks for posting the links. I bookmarked three or four other programs in the series as well. I think I watched the Roman episode a long time ago but I will again.
  7. Crispina

    Once more ...

    This and a couple other related videos were posted on another forum. Just had to share.
  8. Lindsey Davis came to Minnesota one year not too long ago. I wanted to go so bad but it was a cold winter and at that particular time there was very heavy snow, nearly a blizzard. Forgot about your possible trip here in November. It will be here before you know it.
  9. Is that far from you, Ghost? I guess I could go read a map. I finished "The Ides of April" long ago but never expressed an opinion or gave a review. At first I had a somewhat difficult time getting into Albia's character. I mean, I knew of her from the Falco series but for some reason in her adult role I couldn't quite like her. Does that sound terrible? And I pretty much guessed who the killer was right away, unlike the other books where there were so many twists and turns. BUT - I did enjoy the book overall. Read it very quickly as usual. It was great hearing her speak of her mother and father and describing the flat where she lived. Remember it well from the Falco novels. By the end of the book I was looking foward to more of her adventures.
  10. I just read this on Lindsey Davis's website, was on her list of upcoming events, where she will be: Saturday 2 November
  11. Crispina

    Once more ...

    I'm jealous. Good luck, Artimi.
  12. Enjoyed this very much. Thanks for posting it here.
  13. I've watched some of the programs online in the past and enjoyed his enthusiasm very much.
  14. Crispina

    Lindsey Davis

    So far I'm really enjoying the book. Have to stop once in awhile and think to remember certain characters from the Falco series. Comes back quickly though. And yes, that Davis humor is there, i.e - quote: "My senatorial grandmama was a wonderful woman, only surpassed by her plebeian counterpart........If I mentioned her at the stall where she used to buy roots for her broth cualdron, the greengrocer still mimed running for the hills".
  15. Crispina

    Lindsey Davis

    Received my copy of Lindsey Davis's new book, "The Ides of April", A Flavia Albia Mystery, in the mail yesterday. I understand that Ghost of Clayton has been listening to the audio book version already, since it came out early in Britain. So what do you think so far Ghost? I'm anxious to begin reading the book today, as it's raining and that means no garden work.
  16. This is the first I've heard of this exhibit. I want to go, but unfortunately no one to go with me and help me from getting lost.
  17. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Like in lives in Pa? or she is visting the museum with the mosiac in Phildelphia? Thanks.
  18. A tad OT, but I got a new 46" LCD LED TV Friday, just in time to watch that night's episode of "Spartacus" and let me tell you it was AMAZING. : )
  19. Watched the first two episodes last night. Very, very interesting; but loads of information to absorb quickly.
  20. Well I didn't find the seller I wanted on Etsy, but I did a Google and found some at this link: http://www.cafepress.com/+roman+shower-curtains I may have to browse these myself. .
  21. I will bookmark and begin watching tonight. Thanks for sharing.
  22. Bryaxsis - I LOVE the first wall painting. If I had the energy I had in my youth I would attempt to copy that onto my bathrom wall. In fact, long time ago I did actually paint a mural on my bathrom wall, a Roman maiden standing with a bowl of fruit behind the toilet, and to her left was a scene of the Grand Canal in Venice. All in beautiful shades of burnt sienna, yellow ochre, blues, ect. My friends admired it so much, and it remained there for many years until I remodeled the room six years ago and painted over it. No photo of it was ever taken which upset my one friend very much. He was hurt that I painted over it. too funny. Metella, it may not be what your are looking for but I found a site on Etsy that sold the most amazing shower curtains. They are expensive but the person photo copied some very interesting and beautiful scenes onto the curtain. I will try to look for the site and post back here. I had one bookmarked for a long time - it had The Three Graces on it I think, but I couldn't justify the cost.
  23. I was so hoping someone would bring this up. I was baffled as well and thought they just added Julius for kicks or it was "some guy" who happened to be named Julius Ceasar. I had heard on a documentary that Julius Ceaser was indeed part of the army that hunted down Spartacus. Thanks for your info, as it makes more sense to me.
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