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Everything posted by Crispina

  1. I've watched numerous docs on her. One suggested that the bust was a fake, modern made, not ancient. I wonder where it was excavated from? I don't remember actually hearing if it was just found in the ground all by itself or in a tomb or ruins of a temple. Perhaps just discarded because of her being considered a heretic? Thanks for sharing the video.
  2. This sounds interesting. Will revisit later.
  3. Oh good. And I think I remember that Sam was "Northern Niel"?
  4. I have been thinking of two posters, Nephele and Sam. I've forgotten Sam's forum name, but he was a guide at Hadrian's wall in England. Nephele would give us our Roman names. I suppose they went to Facebook? I don't do FB. Just curious as to how they are doing, esp. during this pandemic.
  5. That wasn't so bad, I was entertained. However, the ending confuses me. Why was Armenias(sp?) allowed to go free with a hand shake?? Thanks for sharing.
  6. Thanks for sharing. I always have a difficult time visualizing what ruins would have looked like before. The theater - I don't see it there. How did they decide it was "Nero's theater"?
  7. The photos are really beautiful. It is a fine balance about preserving antiquity and improving access to the public So true.
  8. I can't imagine what that must have been like for the people. Am I reading correctly, that this was one reason it is referred to as the Dark Ages? because it WAS dark? I've never read about this before. Thanks for sharing.
  9. This is what I was looking for. Dark brown, not grey eyes. Thank you.
  10. Yes, I would like to ask the artist how he/she arrived at eye color. And I imagine there was much more makeup worn by women than shown in the colorization. Which makes me wonder, in ancient writings are details like this about people ever written about by their peers? Not that I have read as much as others here probably have. Seems to me I do remember reading that Julius Caesar had "light gray" eyes.
  11. I should have remembered to move this post to "Imperium Romanorum". Sorry.
  12. Brought to life using colorization and AI Technology.
  13. Aquae Sulis would be a great experience. Thanks for sharing.
  14. It all so fascinating to me. Wish I could see how the city really looked at that time. I have trouble visualizing. Actually, I have been to Egypt and in King Tut's tomb. I was surprised at how small it was.
  15. I have never heard or read about this before. Thank you. I bookmarked the Flyoverzone web site for later.
  16. ".....and what I'm standing on here is a 1970 sewer pipe that isn't very interesting...." But - 2,000 years from now someone may dig up a 1970 sewer pipe up and marvel and put it on display. I always think of this when broken pottery is found. The Roman person who broke it and tossed it thought "it isn't very interesting.." ha
  17. Yeesh. Did you happen to view another video there titled "A Day in Pompeii -Full Length Animation"? Around 1pm. I would have gotten the hell out of there!
  18. I would like to know, however, how they came up with that date. I was wondering the same thing. It's hard to fathom.
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