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Everything posted by Crispina

  1. It's amazing. What other wonderful discoveries are waiting.
  2. I remember watching a documentary on TV about this some years ago. Very interesting.
  3. Okay, I admit when I read the title of this post I expected to see a depiction of a gladiator holding a pen. 😁
  4. I watched that series so many times.
  5. I've read the articles linked in the post, but they don't mention what happened to this winery. Earthquake? Destroyed in war? Abandoned? Did they just walk away from all the amphorae, I guess it's something that always intrigues me.
  6. I believe this is the first time I've seen photos of the lids of amphorae.
  7. Very interesting and informative. Thanks for sharing this.
  8. How did I miss this post? I think I remember finding this series years ago, but I will go to You Tube and find the episodes. Thanks for sharing.
  9. So, the coins were found in the remains of a ship wreck? or buried in ground that later became under water? I'm confused.
  10. I too would like to see this. Hope you are able to do so soon and give us a trip report with photos.
  11. I also hope the exhibit travels closer to home. I forget what year it was, but I went to New York City alone to see the Pompeii exhibit at the Met (?). Geeze, it's been so long ago I actually forget. Drove my broken down Chevy to the Cleveland Airport, my mom was worried to death about me (only found out about that years later). I do remember that at the last moment there were some pieces of the exhibit that were not allowed to come to NYC.
  12. Now that would be addictive. Ok, I want to know why these coins are being found in this field? Was it once a trading center? A village, battlefield? Why different eras?
  13. Crispina

    Pompeii walk

    Pretty sure this is the five hour walking tour I sat and watched...well, for five hours. Ate my dinner on a tray in front of the computer. Altho, it seems like it was 2019, not 2020. Either way, I found it very enjoyable because I'll never get there in person. Guy, sorry about your foot!
  14. This is great. Will have to bookmark and watch the rest later. Thanks for posting this. I thought it was very well done, but captions would have helped a lot.
  15. This is remarkable. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.
  16. Isn't there a famous mural that has in within it a depiction of a man tied to a pole and a lion biting (or about to bite) his face? It always gave me the shudders. Imagine the horror of the moment.
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