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Everything posted by Crispina

  1. But why would this helmet be found in a field? Did some ancient steal it and bury it? Was it ceremoniously buried? was in a grave? I really can't wrap my head around (no pun intended) how artifacts of this nature just "appear" in the middle of nowhere.
  2. Happy Birthday, many happy returns.
  3. Cool! "Conan, the Barbarian" is an all-time classic, so I have a feeling I
  4. Was it the "three gorgeous half-clad female characters"? That's when the film started to remind me of "Conan, the Barbarian".
  5. Bored with daytime tv today, I decided to surf the On Demand channel on cable. At the last minute I browsed the "New Releases" list and came upon the movie "Centurion". Curious, I went head and ordered it, for $6.99! I thought that was a bit much, but hey it must be good for that price. Normally movies are $3.99 - $4.99. Well,the first part was not bad. The last half hour I nearly turned it off because it was getting way too predictable.And either I'm going deaf or the cable company is at fault, but I had a difficult time hearing some of the dialogue. Plus I was disappointed that they found it necessary to have not one but three "gorgeous, half clad" female characters - for once I'd like to see plain Janes in strong female roles. How did Arianne keep those blond tresses so beautifully permed?? I know - it's the movies. Anyway, it seemed I was watching an HBO series instead of a movie. Agree, the uniforms of the soldiers were great (not that I'm an expert on that). I disagree that it deserves any awards.
  6. Look between the last topic heading in the forum listing that says "Tartarus" and "Today's Birthdays". There should be some phrases there.
  7. The "buttons" are actually three and four word phrases. First one says "Todays Active Content".
  8. Here you go, Crispina: http://www.lindseydavis.co.uk/publications.htm -- Nephele Thanks, but I had found my list in the trash bin and took it along with me to the library today. When I told the librarian I'd like to start this Lindsey Davis series, she walked with me back to the mystery dept. and there on the shelf was not only "The Silver Pig" but at least 12 of the others! Altho not necessarily in order. They have the second book but not the third, but they can easily do a book search for me and locate it and any of the others they don't have in their system. I saw "A Body in the Bath House" on the shelf too, can't wait until I get to that one. I have a few chapters of Claudius The God to finish first. He's about to get his heart broke by Messalina (love is blind) and she's about to get her just rewards.
  9. Not sure where to post this, but on the tv show "Monster Moves" (National Geographic channel) they are having a documentary of sorts on how the temples at Aubel Simbel were moved when Lake Nassar was flooded when the dam was built. Old footage of original move, very interesting. Incredible how they even accomplished it. Came on at 8pm. I was at Aubel Simbel in 1994, fascinating place.
  10. Links don't work for me, says "This is not available in your area".
  11. I didn't know anything about the series until it was mentioned on another site, so I watched the first two episodes on On Demand. I didn't care for it, the costumes and sets were done well; but the acting and script were not the greatest. Also, haven't read the books.
  12. Cassius with cellphone: "Better call that twerp Caligula and find out what the new watchword is today, and it better not be "Give us a kiss"."
  13. I just saw this posted on a travel forum and rushed over here to see if there was any more info.
  14. No, but I've walked like an Egyptian. Sorry. I've wondered about the oil thing too, but perhaps this was done before the bath (in water). Over time, it would have softened the skin that is for certain.
  15. What? Now wait a minute, I could have sworn Centurion Marcus Romulus got the ole' thumbs down by Cyclops; or perhaps you are right and there was a general named Marcus not the Centurion. Who is Barbara the Barbarian? Now look what you have done - forcing me to watch it again! UGH!
  16. They must have fought for the Republican forces against Octavian. It's well established in The Odyssey that Cyclops thumb their noses at too much authority. Good observation! Too funny.
  17. Not sure where this movie topic belongs, but it definitely had Romans in it! I came in for a break from yard work and flipped on the TV. SciFi channel was on with a movie called "Cyclops". One character exclaims: "....but the last Cyclops was killed by Augustus years ago!". Hmmmm. There were Cyclops during Augustus's reign? And Anthony Edwards as Tiberius? Oh, brother. The movie was horrible, the actors too. I couldn't pull myself away until I saw the gladiator Centurion Romulus fight the Cyclops in the arena. The centurion was killed - head eaten off. He was the main character I thought. The set and the costumes (not sure if they were authentic) looked great,tho. Don't know how it ended as I went back out to finish the mowing. I was just curious if anyone else has seen this movie, or perhaps it's already been discussed here.
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