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Everything posted by Crispina

  1. Crispina

    Lindsey Davis

    Actually, Lindsey Davis does mention the Colosseum being built -- in her novel Two for the Lions. I know this because that was one of the two novels in the Falco series that I read out of order. In the novel [not a spoiler] there's a lot of rivalry going on between gladiatorial schools and beast collectors, who are hopefully vying for contracts for when the Colosseum (called Vespasian's new amphitheatre) is completed. Haven't a clue, and I'm avoiding trying to find out by going to Wikipedia or other sources because I don't want to spoil the story arc, now that I'm reading the novels in their correct order. If you find out, don't post it here without using spoiler blocks! -- Nephele I really don't want to search out the answer either. I'll wait. Thanks for the info about "Two for the Lions". I'm almost ready for "Last Act in Palmyra". Sure hope I find out soon where that kitchen knife came from.
  2. I knew he was one of Alexander's generals, but just didn't realize it had been 300yrs. Thanks.
  3. Crispina

    Lindsey Davis

    Nephele, I always wondered why Falco never mentioned Nero's Golden House in any of the books; but in the "Poseidon's Gold" he finally does as "....where Nero's Golden House use to (stand).." The year is suppose to be 71AD now. The recent thread about The Colosseum here, mentions it was officially opened in 80AD. So how come the author never mentions The Colosseum in the process of being built? Just curious. Also do you have any clue as to what year the final book in the series is suppose to take place? I know I can just wait and find out, but just wondering.
  4. I watched an older documentary on Cleo the other night, and I thought I heard one of the historians say the Ptolemies had been in Egypt for 300yrs. by the time she came to the throne. Is that correct?
  5. Here here to that! I believe Sydney James was a ittle too handsome for the role of Marcus Antonius though. Seriously, I dont think I could add anything that hasn't already been said here or on PP's original link. Apart from how relieved I am that that no-one on either site is saying she should be portrayed as' Opressed, Black and African'. As for AJ's suitability or otherwise, at least she seems to have made an effort to read about her role, so we may see a surprising performance. I quite liked te actress who played her in HBO's 'Rome'. Forgotten her name, though. I liked her too. Had to look up her name as well: Lindsey Marshal.
  6. Crispina

    Lindsey Davis

    I guess I'll have to wait until I get to "The Jupiter House" and see for myself, then let you know.
  7. Crispina

    Lindsey Davis

    By "dramatisations", do you mean video? Where did you find them? They're radio plays that the BBC did some time ago. They were pretty cheap on eBay so, being a thrifty Yorkshireman, I bought them in preference to the actual audiobook. If you'd like to borrow one to see what you think, let me know. Thank you so much. I may take you up on that, did you get the chance to listen to any of them yet?
  8. Crispina

    Lindsey Davis

    By "dramatisations", do you mean video? Where did you find them?
  9. Thanks for sharing the site. Makes you wonder just whose sandals walked across some of those mosaics, or who the artist was and did he ever think that we would be looking at them today.
  10. Crispina

    Lindsey Davis

    I started at the beginning of the series and I'm now about halfway through the fourth book -- The Iron Hand of Mars -- in which Falco travels to Germania to deliver a new standard to legio XIV from Vespasian, and winds up embroiled in a murder mystery and legate abduction that appears to combine political intrigue with commercial competition. I can't believe it's taken me so long to discover this series! I'd say someone ought to make a film series adaptation out of these novels, except I'm skeptical of anyone doing it right. Davis' writing is vividly descriptive and evocative of ancient Rome, and her characters are wonderfully memorable. I've got to hunt down a copy of the next novel in the series now, so I'm not left high and dry when I finish this one! -- Nephele So how did you like "The Iron Hand of Mars"? I enjoyed this book, too; altho the "bull dancing" towards the end was a little much, even for Didius Falco! Ha. In fact the last few chapters seemed a bit rushed, but I think everything he set out to solve got solved. I'm still not sure if he gets paid for all his work or others continue to take the credit. Anyway I picked up "Poseiden's Gold" at the library today, the next book in the series, and am looking forward to starting it tonight. How far into the series are you?
  11. Ok, I'm being really dense. I don't get the "one half belonging to the owing party would be deliberately shortened"
  12. After reading Nephele's tooth brushing post, I thought I'd offer up this. I was watching a program on the Victorian printing press,and the guy said the term "got the short end of the stick" comes from the improper practice of lining up the letters on the "stick". I got to thinking, did the saying come from the Victorians or could it have orginated from the Romans - "he got the short end of the (sponge) stick".
  13. How do I see the image of the monument at this link? Where and what do I click on?
  14. I just finished watching the fourth and final episode. I know you are going to enjoy the rest of the series too, Artimi.
  15. Bored with television last night, I stumbled upon a web site that offers a wide variety of documentaries on many different topics. Remember the series "Medieval Life" with Terry Jones? It was listed so I spent all evening listening to the entire series. Anyway, tonight I began browsing, on the same web site, documentaries under the topic of "History". I found this series, "The Roman Empire in the First Century". I've just finished watching the first of the four episodes, titled "Order From Chaos", about Augustus. I really, really enjoyed the way this documentary was done. Lots of the same info, yes, but presented in a different way plus other things you don't see much in other docs on this subject. Like his daughter Julia, Ovid, ect. Perhaps someone else has already posted about this series here, sorry if I'm repeating; but I just thought it was worth mentioning if you were looking to watch a good doc on Roman history. Hopefully the other three episodes will be just as enjoyable. Here is the link to the doc (not sure if this will take you to the second episode or not The first one is called "Order From Chaos". http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/roman-empire-first-century/
  16. Crispina

    Lindsey Davis

    Thanks for posting the link to the Lindsey Davis site. Some interesting info there.
  17. Crispina

    Lindsey Davis

    I just finished the second book in the series, "Shadow of Bronze". I really enjoyed it.Altho most of the book is serious, there are those funny bits; and I laughed and laughed towards the end when Flaco is "picked up" and rescued from the Circus Maximus! James Bond, eat your heart out! What did you think Nephele? Have you started at the beginning of the series yet? I'm on my way to the library this morning to pick up "Venus in Copper". Looking forward to it.
  18. I can't let you get away without Roman specifics Christina. I would be neglecting my duties. Darn.
  19. Was this the one with Michael Sheen as Nero? The one from the "Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire" series? If so, I very much agree with your comments. It's one of several from that series that I have swilling about on the innards of my HDD TV box thingie, and have never got round to putting on DVD. If anyone fancies a copy, PM me and I'll sort you one out. I don't think so. This is a new documentary. That is, Nat.Geo channel has never shown it before. Here's a link I found to it: And it was "How Nero Saved Rome" not "Did..." sorry. I also see that they mention this one hour program will air again this Thursday at 9pm. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/how-nero-saved-rome-4024/Videos#tab-Videos/08773_00
  20. Egypt would count, right? I was there in 1994. I forgot all about that.
  21. Did anyone else watch this documentary on the Nation Geographic channel the other night? I found it interesting the way they brought up a new twist on the cause of the burning of Rome. Also posing the theory that perhaps Nero wasn't such a bad egg after all. His enemies just made all that stuff up! There were things about his life I never knew, though I haven't really read much about Nero. Loved how through animation they restored ancient buildings and esp. Nero's Golden House. I've forgotten the name he gave his palace? Also, did not know that his statue once stood in front of the Flavian Amphitheater thus it was afterward called the Colosseum. What happened to the statue?
  22. I read this in the newspaper one day this past weekend. I feel very sad for him and hope he can continue to fight the disease. My Mom has had lymphoma for the five years now and keeps bouncing back from chemo and radiation whenever a new "bad lymph node" appears. It's now been a year since the last round.
  23. As to why it could have been buried in a field, well, why not? Coin and silver hoards are often found in places that appear to be in the middle of nowhere but they may once have well been somewhere! A landscape can change dramatically over 2000 years. Objects are often buried for safekeeping in times of troubles or perhaps as a ceremonial or burial deposit. A good illustration may be the burial of a coin hoard in times of warfare. The person burying the hoard may have put hidden it say near the third oak tree to the north of a wooden bridge with a view to collecting it after the danger has passed. For whatever reason, the hoard is not collected, the bridge collapses over the years, the trees die, the land is put to pasture, and the landscape has changed beyond recognition. The hoard is found 2000 years later seemingly in the middle of nowhere! Very good points, makes sense to me.
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