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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Crispina

  1. Enjoyed that very much. Thanks for sharing.
  2. The Max Miller video was great. Thanks for sharing.
  3. I wasn't sure in which forum to post this but I'll try here. On a travel forum I frequent, someone posting in a thread about the Super Bowl ads asked: "Wonder to what extent (and how) ancient sporting events were tied to commercial interests? Ancient Greek Olympics? Ancient Mayan handball tournament rituals? Gladiators in the Colosseum and elsewhere? " 😊
  4. First I've ever heard of the Draco. So interesting, great video demonstrating the sound.
  5. To those who celebrate, Merry Christmas and have a good New Year.
  6. Amazing. I have two old photos of Rome, one of the Colosseum and a very large one of the Forum.
  7. Thank you for posting this and all the other wonderful articles and videos you've shared over the years.
  8. You made me miss Jeopardy. 🙂 I'll have to come back later to watch the last three posted. Thanks for posting.
  9. I don't remember ever seeing clothing depicted so well in a cave or rock painting. And they're wearing pants! at least it looks like some type of leggings.
  10. I was wondering why ancient cave painters, who drew and painted wonderful depictions of animals some so life-like, why did they not do portraits of themselves or others? I've seen the simple stick figures, but given how artistic some people were why not create a likeness of oneself, or tribal member?
  11. I especially enjoyed the image of the tombs on either side of the Appian Way. I've always tried to imagine what it would look like in ancient times. Very interesting to hear that there were actually make-shift houses and shops between the tombs? stables? Is the narrator using creative license or is this written somewhere?
  12. Yes, thanks for sharing. I'm always fascinated by finds like this.
  13. I watched all but 10min. of the first video and found it very interesting and informative. The fact that there was that much restoration of antique pieces was enlightening. You see, I have always wondered how magnificent sculptures just happened to be found buried in the ground. Why were they abandoned (unless buried by lava of course) and not ruined by earthquakes and plunder. I guess I'm naive. ha But now I understand. These pieces in the collections were displayed as art, not antiquities. But did I also hear that many of the sculptures were restored in ancient times as well?
  14. The video was very informative. Thanks for posting it.
  15. My poetry is consists of greeting card texts. 😄 I do think I'm pretty good at it tho.
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