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Everything posted by Crispina

  1. I do believe the relationship became more than "just friends" at the end of the series. And didn't Aquila hide his father's ring by burying it at the bottom of a tree? as a symbol he'd be back to be with her or something like that? Now I'm interested in reading the books again.
  2. Yep - can't remember her name, though. Probably another reason this character was left out was the ambiguous nature of Marcus Aquila's relationship with her. She was too young to be a 'love interest' (in a children's book and Hollywood film, if not in real-life Roman Britain), though their friendship seemed more than just that. My view only. One of my favorite book series, but I had to go online for the answer - her name was Cottia.
  3. Is available on On Demand now. I watched it tonight, saw it the first time in the theater. Still think it's a very good movie.
  4. Tv audiences today want more sex, more blood and gore. Can you imagine how excited the creators of this new "I, Claudius" were to be able to vamp up the old series now that they can get away with so showing so much more? People will be anticipating the Caligula episodes for sure.
  5. I'm not sure if I understood you correctly but the glass covering the wooden partition is just there to protect the ancient wood and is not an original feature. Oh, I'm a dummy. Sorry, yes I thought the wooden partition had glass in it. Thanks for pointing that out.
  6. This post has made my day. How fascinating! I'm in awe of the glass objects linked to in your post Ludovicus. I have to say I never knew much at all about Roman glass making, and am thrilled to read about it. And "The House of the Wooden Partition" - I wish I could see this in person. I never knew such partitions existed in the Roman world, then again as the article states most never survived. But with glass? I'm blown away (pardon the pun). Thanks to the OP for bringing up this topic and thanks to Ludovicus for the wonderful links.
  7. I would love to visit the site, but alas I can only do so thru UNRV - thanks for that at least.
  8. I was watching a documentary on Rome's attempts to conquer Persia, and the narrator mentioned that after his death in their captivity, the Persian king had Valerius stuffed and put on display. I never heard this before, how do they know this? Is it recorded by an historian? Also they didn't call themselves Persians, it was another name that begins with an "A". I just can't recall it right now.
  9. Happy birthday, fellow Taurus(ian?)
  10. Oh my gosh, yes it's my birthday today - two more years and I'll be sixty! - oh my, where did the time go??? Thank you, thank you for the greetings. No special plans, but this morning I got the ladder out and caulked a big hole in the siding of my old house where the bees try to set up home every summer. At least I accomplished something today, and will go buy me a birthday cake later. Did have some sun for a bit (while I was on the ladder) but now there's a dark sky, and the clouds will open any minute. That's ok, my garden and flowering trees are beautiful this Spring.
  11. That was fun. I'd love to go to something like that. Thanks for posting.
  12. Crispina

    Lindsey Davis

    "The Accusers" - finished this book the other day. It was ok, but won't be one of my favorites. It was interesting to read about Rome's judicial system, although not sure how much was fact and how much was "Lindsey" . Which brings up a question - did ancient Rome really have the equivalent of newspapers for news? Ms. Davis keeps mentioning "The Daily Gazette". Now, I know that aint' right. or is it? Wasn't there just a town crier type of person who stood on a podium in town and read recent events and edicts to the populace? or did I get that from HBO's "Rome"? Today I picked up the next in the series, "Scandal Takes a Holiday".
  13. Crispina

    Lindsey Davis

    "The Jupiter Myth", this book was done very well. Also lots of romance , and a sad ending for an admired character! As usual, Lindsey Davis can write an action scene so well you seem as though you are right there in the middle of the amphitheater. Yes, I've had quite a few "but, wait a minute..." moments when reading her books. I totally missed the one about the match. ha. Next up - "The Accusers".
  14. Now I remember how beautifully filmed the move was, sets, costumes,ect.; and after an hour I also remembered how sad the story was. I couldn't watch it a second time.
  15. Good! I can't wait to hear what you think of it Ghost. Where's that smiley eating popcorn emoticon when you need it?
  16. This is so interesting. Thanks for posting, the 360 views are wonderful.
  17. FYI, the film "Agora" is playing on TV on one of the ShoTime cable channels tonight here in the US.
  18. Crispina

    Lindsey Davis

    "A Body in The Bath House". This started out pretty well; but, I found it a bit slow going. The story may not be as good as in other books in the series, however the background information on bath construction, workers and their tools and building materials was very interesting. One gets a sense of what it may have been like to visit a building site and interact with these people. Lindsey seems to have also lost much of her sense of humor that she wrote with so well in previous books. Although I realize these are more serious times for now family man Falco! I'm waiting on "The Jupiter Myth", the next book in the series, from my library. It's one of the few titles they do not have on their shelves. Another interesting fact - it seems that every other book has damage or the spine coming unglued, one time I found food stains on several pages and an interesting bookmark! Who is this other reader of Lindsey Davis's Falco??? I guess it's a real mystery.
  19. I'm sure this has been posted here often, but what the hey:
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