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Everything posted by Crispina

  1. Thank you, very interesting about the large statue, slide #119. That is something I thought of - different heads being placed on statues, especially slide #80. It appears as though an older man thought he would look a bit better with the body of a beautiful youth? ha I'm probably wrong. Also, slide #281 I thought was of the man tied to the tree. But thank you for your description of the child fighting the cane. Who is the man tied to the tree? I will definitely check out your other gallery of photos.
  2. I looked at them all. Fascinating. The faces look so real, some you almost expect to see breathe. I read one time that a theory is that a wax mask was made of the person and then somehow used as a guide for the sculpture? or even a concrete was poured into the wax mold? of course this wouldn't have been the case for the ones of marble. Just beautiful. Questions: can someone tell me what if of any importance is depicted in the sculpture of the two figures in slide #119? and also of the scene in slide #281? And I think I've asked this before, but how do you suppose the majority of these wonderful pieces were found? actually dug from the ground? It just amazes me how well they are preserved. Sometimes I even feel a little sad when I look on the faces because you know they were actual living and breathing people, what were their stories? We'll never know.
  3. Our own Cleveland Cavaliers say it better. http://www.nba.com/cavaliers/video/2012/02/14/valentine120214-2004052/index.html Wouldn't it be great to come across some of those "handmade paper cards" from the Middle Ages?
  4. I was wondering how things were going over there. Frozen water pipes? Something we live with every winter here, but about 4yrs. ago I had my water pipes changed from the ancient galvanized to copper and moved them away from the stone foundation of the house and had them run along the center of the basement ceiling. Then I wrapped foam insulation around them and especially the inside lines from the well to the water pump and water tank. BIG difference. The hot water line to the kitchen sink still freezes in single digit temps or when really cold wind blows on that side of the house but doesn't stay that way long. Anyhow, sorry for your bad luck because it's always big $$$ for those type of fixes.
  5. Yes, in or close by to the kitchen. I remember seeing this frequently in photos of the houses in Pompeii via a fantastic web site, the link of which was posted here and I have since lost. The web site listed the buildings of Pompeii and corresponding photos, someone walked the site and recorded and photographed them.
  6. Artimi, are you thinking of doing a "Julia and Julie" with Apicius's cookbook? Wouldn't that be interesting? Then you could come here and post the results or you could start a blog!
  7. How exactly does Lucretia survive that blood bath? I couldn't believe when I saw Lawless's character in the previews. What was the purpose of resurrecting her? Poor Andy. I might try and watch the first episode though.
  8. I saw that doc before, but thanks for posting because I found some other good ones to watch on that page.
  9. (In Falco, there is frequent mention of a journal that in context would be equivalent to a newspaper/newsletter. I seem to remember it
  10. Are you making and enjoying toasts in your new beaker? Happy birthday to you!
  11. I somehow missed the previous reports, too, including the photos. I'm glad I went back to read and look at them. Very interesting and informative.
  12. Merry Christmas from Ohio USA. No snow, but will be with family today and tomorrow. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday.
  13. Well, if I had to take this my only option would be to become a scullery maid. http://spectrum.columbiaspectator.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/harvardexam.pdf
  14. But I told them I was born in 1930! That ought to be old enough.
  15. Why do I have to submit my birth date before I can view the video? I even made up a fake one and still couldn't watch.
  16. I'm still amazed at the quality of the glass making. The bottle looks modern. Where exactly is the seal? at the top of the neck? I don't see it. Very interesting, thanks for posting.
  17. "I, Claudius" on Utube. Still one of the best shows ever. Stellar acting and story telling, even tho most of it is just a "story"; but great none the less. John Hurt as Caligula, "You don't want to go in there". Messalina, "Not my head!not my head!"
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