Way off topic, but I read a post of yours from long ago about how you also got "stuck" in UNRV land - i.e. unable to log out. How did you finally manage to do so? There are no options on any of the pages I bring up on this forum. Someone suggested a forum update may have caused the problem. Did you delete cookies?
I watched this documentary series on TV recently. It was very good. Much of it centered on the villa with the bakery, laundry, and a third business I don't recall right this minute. Also with all the workmen's tools and building supplies. I recognized it as being in the article(s) and videos you posted here Guy.
Well, now I see some icons in the lower right hand corner, a blue circle with a heart, a number 1, and some symbol that when I clicked on it, it said "Sign in", but it's a "Grow" account? I give up.