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About G-Manicus

  • Birthday 09/29/1965

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  • Location
    Cincinnatus, Ohio
  • Interests
    Sports - football (Pro, college, HS), college basketball, lacrosse<br /><br />Reading (anything by Nelson Demille)<br /><br />TV - Friday Night Lights, LOST, The Office, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Flight of the Conchords, History Channel, Seinfeld, yada, yada, yada ....

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Senator (12/20)



  1. Not sure I'd like to BE in any of 'em. To be able to witness though? Give me Cannae and Alesia.
  2. It's illegal in my house, according to Mrs G-Manicus.
  3. I vote "Pfffft!" be added next.
  4. You'll be sadly missed, Gaius. It was a pleasure knowing you.

  5. They've changed the site now. You're able to open up the book for free on the internet but you have to pay a fee to download the PDF file.
  6. This next one is dedicated to Romulus and Remus ... "You are my brother, my best friend forever ..."
  7. I picked up "Caesar" and started reading it last week. This line on page 67 makes me question whether to continue with the series: "I am Gaius Octavius Thurinus. My mother is Caesar's sister." *sigh*
  8. For Agrippa Postumus: "Show Me The Meaning of Being Lonely" by the Backstreet Boys
  9. What modern songs would serve as an appropriate theme song for a particular person or event from the Ancient World? For example: For MJ Brutus, Cassius, Decimus Brutus, and the rest of the Liberators (so called) .... "The Backstabbers" by The O'Jays On the flip side ... "Cuts Like a Knife" by Bryan Adams for J. Caesar
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