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About Vercingetorix

  • Birthday 03/08/1973

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  • Interests
    Reading, Video Games, History (Rome, Ancient China, Feudal Japan, American Civil War, WWII)

Vercingetorix's Achievements


Imaginifer (3/20)



  1. Same thing happened to me about a year ago. Someone charged about $2,500 to my Capital One card. I looked up the name of the vendor & found it was for some company that sold industrial pumps or something like that. CapOne took care of it immediately.
  2. My girlfriend & I had a similar situation on Saturday. We were sitting at Friendly's trying to enjoy our a meal. In the back was a birthday party for what looked like 4-5 year olds. There were a few parents there. There was one little girl who came making this horrible, grating, banshee-like howl over & over. What did her mother do, you ask??? Told her to stop....which lasted for a hot 10 seconds. Even after receiving several evil glances from myself & other patrons, she still kept it up. A few of the dads with the group sat there giggling like it was funny. She eventually shut up after the ice cream was brought out. If I ever, EVER, acted like that in public, I can't imagine what would've happened. I lived in fear of divine retribution from my father, although the man never laid a hand on me in anger. It was just the thought of what might happen if I stepped out of line that made me behave. That and the fact that my Dad, though only a hair under six feet tall, may as well have been ten feet tall to me as a kid. Luckily I was blessed with a good kid who doesn't act up in public. I really don't need much discipline with her, but when I use the "Dad" voice, she knows to straighten up.
  3. Come to my neighborhood and you'll hear it....and I live in East Central PA!! My friend from North Carolina always thought I was from Brooklyn, although I, like Lost Warrior, never lived outside of PA. Some people think we speak with a "Philly" accent. The county I live in is about as culturally diverse as the whole of Europe. Many different ethnicities settled here when "coal was king". If you go 7 miles SE from my hometown, the people are "Dutchified" (my late paternal GM), but if you go about the same distance in the opposite direction, you'll hear an Irish brogue (my maternal GM). I was raised in the middle, so my speech has a mix. Locals can always tell where someone is from in my county by the way they speak & certain phrases they use. When my Dad was in the Army stationed in Indiana, he walked into a bar and the bartender could tell exactly what town he was from by the way he spoke. The guy was originally from the same county & could pick my Dad out immediately.
  4. I'm with you too, Viggen. I haven't found any bands that I really liked since the late 80's-early 90's (my high school years). One of the only radio stations I can get on my radio at work plays a lot of the current crap with a little of the "classic" rock that I like. It's basically the lesser of several evils. I grew up on 80's hair & metal bands with some of the 70's rock that my older sister listened to. I don't admit to too many people, but I'm a closet Go-Go's fan as well . If only I go back in time.....
  5. I'd definately pick up Caesar IV. I've been playing that for a while and you can burn a lot of time with it. It has more of an economic lean with little military action. It has an Economic campaign (which I'm working through now) & a Military campaign (which I haven't started yet). There's also a pretty good internet community supporting the game as well. They usually put out some good user-made scenarios every so often. It has an internet play option (where you can compete with others in city size, population, most denarii, etc.), but more often than not the servers are down. CivCity Rome is along the same lines, but I prefer CaesarIV.
  6. I agree with you, theilian. It's considered one of the four great classics of Chinese literature. I've read ROTK at least two or three times & played several of the video games based on the story.
  7. i got mine this morning too. It's a pretty neat thing to have.
  8. Kalsen SomerMajyk....sounds dreamy Thank you, sister....Peace, love, & happiness.....
  9. Kyle Jason Krammes Hippyfy me, Nephele (please). Like our good Doc o' Love, I wasn't even thought of in 1967. Mom & Dad already had a 7 & a 9 year old and weren't planning on any more. Fast forward to June of 1972 when Hurricane Agnes flooded the Northeastern US....A lot of water outside....Nothing to do inside...you know what comes next . Nine months later, Vercingetorix arrives!!
  10. Maybe I ought to dig up the old outhouse pit in my mom 'n' dad's backyard....Who knows what I'll I find !
  11. I chose my screen name because I admire Vercingetorix for rising up & taking on the Roman war machine. Anyone who had the moxy to stand up to Caesar like that is one brave man. It didn't get him very far though.... King of the Gauls
  12. 5 feet 5 inches tall ?? That totally changes my image of gladiators. And I thought I was short....
  13. Thanks GPM...I never even thought to look there . He sounds like a pretty interesting guy.
  14. You and me both, my esteemed Gaul! I was Orpheus and haven't a damned clue who Mr. Rogers OR Nick Tosches are. However, our Ursus seemed to know the Rogers bit, as he made a cryptic comment. Care to enlighten the Gaulish King and I, Ursus? BTW: Thank god someone else is an Orpheus. We're such sweet souls, Vercy. And we're in such good company: Shakespeare, Hemingway, Melville. We are indeed in good company, fair Augusta... I hate to admit it, but I grew up watching Mr. Rogers....I just couldn't believe that he was thrown in with we two....now for Nick Tosches, I haven't a clue .
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