Fine poem indeed; thanks for that link.
Thanks God the topic is not still at Tartarus; it is provocative basically because it is confusing. Horatius got it right; Religion and Science are not comparable with each other. We are discoursing here on apples and oranges, as science is (by any definition) verifiable knowledge and religion (by any definition too) implies faith, ie, non-verifiable knowledge.
When you call Evolution a "theory", you don't use this term as synonymous of "hypothesis" (ie, a mere conjecture, assumption or guess), but rather as "A set of statements or principles devised to explain a group of facts or phenomena, especially one that has been repeatedly tested or is widely accepted and can be used to make predictions about natural phenomena" (American Heritage dictionary).
Scientifically, Evolution has been and is quite "provable", which is not the same as saying it is an established and permanent "law". In fact, there are not truly scientific "laws" (that was a positivist conception). At least since Popper, we know that Science is, by its very nature, dynamic and unstable; scientific truth is not what you "prove", but rather what you can't disprove after an extremely thorough research (scientific method). You're constantly finding better and better explanations for any fact. If you