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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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  1. Thanks Nephele. Arranius is a good fit for my last name since they both have that long rolling "rr" in common. I'm a boy so no need for the sex change.
  2. I don't really mind letting my real name out but I want to see what you can make of this scramble. No middle name so this will have to do. rnroaliszaagja Looking forward to the results!
  3. Hello, newbie here. This is old news but still heartbreaking. I've always dreamed of visiting Rome and other places of historical importance in Europe, but I wonder if there isn't a better way for me to use my money. I was reading just the other day about the damage tourism has done to Pompei while the ruins there deteriorate in the open. Are there non-profits out there which take in money for historical preservation? Not necessarily limited to Rome or Italy. I know there are lots of important causes out there, but preserving the shared history of mankind and the origins of our civilization is important too I think.
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