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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Fedor

  1. For me it's just a fascinating time in European history that i find very interesting. I also like many PC games that have Rome in the games which i play and enjoy. I also enjoy watching Rome on Hbo and also the history channel. Soon i will buy some new books on rome instead of reading roman history on the net.......
  2. Thanks, i read it all like 5 hours ago. I took what you said in that forum and used it for the debate on civfanatics.com. Don't worry i gave you all the credit, b/c it was so well said about this subject. In a game called civilization 4 (i gave links above if you are interested) they are making a new expansion and adding in the byzantines. I did not agree that they should be in the game b/c i consider them the eastern roman empire. But many people do not agree with my opinion on that forum. They think it's a totally different empire and i was kind of flamed with that opinion. Here is the link if you are interested, its on page 3-- give it a read if you are interested. My name is Titus on that forum. http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.p...3954&page=3
  3. Segestan---- But this man has a different view i think. Fast forward to 35 mins into the documentary. It's a documentary about the eastern roman empire or byzantium. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4...amp;q=byzantium
  4. Hey man can you check out my thread and give your opinion about the byzantines?

  5. Here is the intro to Civilization 4 enjoy!!!! But i would like some opinions on my question's above.Thanks...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBV1L4J4b2E The first expansion- civ4 warlords intro. second expansion comes out in july. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4p1CMO2xNU
  6. So i was kind of having a debate about Rome, Byzantium or the Eastern Roman Empire and the relation to history on a website called civfanactics.com-----Civilization 4-- Its a pc game that is turn based strategy that allows us to play as 24 civilizations in a epic game which i love..... to reshape history. So a new expansion is coming out and they are adding the "Byzantines". Do you think they should be in the expansion? We already have Rome (which is what i use all the time) and the Greeks. Are the Byzantines a different civilization from the Eastern Roman empire? I always thought as the "Byzantines" as the Eastern Roman empire and was the continuation of Rome and thought it as more of the same than different. So i just want some opinions on the correct date of the roman civilization date in which it expired. My opinion is that it fell at 1453AD not 476AD, but again I'm new and i want opinions from people on this very cool website about my favorite empire. Oh.... and the leader of the "Byzantines" is Justinian in the expansion for civ4. link----- http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=223954
  7. I just want to say hi to all the people on this great website. I'm new to roman history and I'm still learning, but i do have opinions. Anyways i like what you guys did to this website. I mean how you changed the look of this forum. GOOD JOB!!!
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