Ego Sum Egues Unda! Fluctus Sum! Or something like that lol. Escaped from Detroit as a young guy to go and Surf the World! Made it to Florida, Cape Hatteras, N.C., New Jersey Shore, California, Mainland Mexico, Baja, Yucatan Pennisula, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Ontario, Canada. And lived for many years On the North Shore, Oahu, Hawaii. and Kauai. Surfed all around the Great Lakes except on the Minn. side of Lake Superior(which has some great surf spots by the way). My love and interest of Rome and its continuing sphere of influence has been a life long interest! In a life filled with heros Julius Caesar was number 1. He still is but for reasons other than when I was a kid. Marcus Cicero is another hero! His grasp of law and how it applied was/ is outstanding. Ovid is one of my all time favorite writers! I am trying to learn Latin so to be able to read these works as they were wrritten. But I have a long ways to go lol. Are there any Latin teachers willing to teach a dimblub? So in answer to the question. I am from the Beach wearever that may be!