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Everything posted by trimithountios

  1. I think that should atest to his superior generalship rather than the Germanic Tribes being possible pushovers... I did not vote... since mine would've went to Marcellinus. He proved his ability against the Sasanids also.He defeated them, when he was 25years old at Dara, with his army half the size of the Persian army.I believe that this is a better testimony to his abilities since the Germanic trops were no much to Byzantine "katafraktoi"
  2. Graikos(Greek) in the myths is a brother of Helen (Elinas). There was a city in Euboan gulf called Graeki.The Euboaeans(from the island of Euboea) were the first Greeks to settle in the Italian pensinsula in the Pithicusae island.The Greeks, up to now, have a tendensy to identify with their town so there is a possibility that a town's name become a national one.
  3. Yunnan means Ionian (one of the original 4 Hellenic Phyla aka Achaeans, Dorians,Ionians, Aeolians) not Ellinas or Greek and you can meet this term even in India when they are refferring to Greeks. The Ancient Greeks never used the name Greek for themselves, they used Hellenes instead. The people living in the Eastern Empire called themselves Romaeous (in Greek because that was their language) and their state Romania, Vasileia Romaeon or Ecoumeni. To be Romaeos you ought to speak Greek and to be Orthodox regardless of your Ethnicity.The word Hellen was used by the church as synonym to pagan till the time of the crusades when in literature begins to appear as the name of the empires inhabitants gradually replacing the term "Romaios" till the time of the Ottoman conquest. Both Plethon and Cardinal Bessarion use the term Hellenes and not Romaeoi when they reffering to the population of the Byzantine teritories. Spyridon Trimithountios
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