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Everything posted by Lacertus

  1. I haven't a License yet. I can get it when I'll be 18 only (in Russia)... but I drive my car very successfully without any License. I have got good practic before and feel myself very confidently during driving. In spite of them I wait this day when I can get it officially.
  2. Lacertus

    Russian winter

    Now is 7 degrees F and it's not so bad, but was -22 F a few time ago and it was terrible cold.
  3. Lacertus

    Russian winter

    5 miles from Moscow only
  4. Lacertus


    Thanks for link, I saw it just now. Intestingly that watercolor that I used constantly earlier mostly not available too. Grumbacher I hope to find anything else here though.
  5. Attending Undergraduate. This is my third year in the University. I'll get my bachelor's degree after 4 year.
  6. Lacertus


    Oh, no, Flavius! Maybe I can draw only, not really talanted...
  7. Lacertus


    I learnt in art school a few years only but I took privat art lessons from artists then while I was away from Moscow during 4 years. I like watercolors but I cannot buy good watercolors in Moscow now. The most part of good art shops were closed last time.
  8. Thanks! It's not bad but I remember that I was upset about pigeon's tail. It must be longer but I began draw too big bird and that was not enough place for it, lol
  9. Thanks, tflex. I found some information about the Moscow clinic. here and I cannot do operation outside Russia for many reasons.
  10. Thanks, Pertinax. I know about bilberry and had used it. Yes, it's good for eyes, I would like to use it in future instead operation, but my eyesight becomes worse in spite of it. I never heard about Golden Seal herb before. Maybe it's more strong herb then bilberry?
  11. Yes, it is laser operation in famous Moscow clinic. But I'm afraid
  12. Lacertus


    It's water-color too. These pictures took a bit time (15-20 min). We went to zoo to paint from nature (I was a child in that time)
  13. Lacertus


    It is water-colour drawning.
  14. I found some my drawnings of birds from art school. (this is Lost Warrior's theme)
  15. Lacertus


    Forgot to say! It's not my picture but I found it in album about "Moscow Botany gardens". I'm sure he's idem squirrel. I noted only one with big "ears". He always sneaks around people and he's very brave. This tree is wonderful. I was sure that birch is "Russian" tree only but I saw it near Chicago too (maybe not so white only but it was birch )
  16. Lacertus

    Jack In The Green

    This picture can be used as an illustration to "Lord of The Rings". Do you remember animate and smart trees?
  17. I prefer this picture! Don't know why. It looks more real. (Moon especially)
  18. Lacertus


    draw attention! His ears look better!
  19. Good site! (It's very specific!) I'm not sure that I like this subject but I can give some information about history of Russian drinkings lol
  20. Lacertus


  21. Lacertus


    Well, I went for a work only without any aim and did random pictures.
  22. Lacertus


    I'm glad that the weather was realy good for pictures
  23. Lacertus


    I like this city.
  24. Lacertus

    Night. Crimea.

    Oh, yes... I painted it. Thanks for appreciation. I like paint but I haven't time for it (and I haven't mood for it sometimes). It's useless to try to paint anything without proper mood.
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