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Everything posted by Lacertus

  1. Scissors were very simply instrument. Ansient scissors are in many museums. In this case it is not need to evidence this fact. Just go to museum and look the pertinent exhebition. Scissors for reach people were more elegant. In that is all difference. I know this because it is my competence.
  2. Probably just any blade, or their teeth if not wealthy hehe. They did use scissars. There is the knowlege that they have been using from time of etruscan. Maybe teeth are more convenient for you.
  3. Northern peoples used deep pits for preservation harvest. Their depth was approximately 6 feet. The pit inside was covered with a layer of clay which was allowed to dry. The bottom of the pit was filled with dry sand and coniferous boards were laid over it. Grain was filled up by layers. each The layer of grain was spaced with a layer of coniferous branches. The needle possesses antibacterial action and the harvest could store a few years. The layers enabled to keep air and grain could "breathe". Above the pit was covered with a rough fabric or a leather and closed tightly by boards and branches. It is considered that such way kept completely the harvest up to 10 years. There was preserved nothing so long usually.
  4. I am from Moscow (Russia). I study in university (college) and I
  5. I think there is no necessity to be engaged in extreme sports if there is no internal predisposition to this. There are many different fields where someone can realize himself. I wonder that lucky and stupid are together very often. I had any personal experience of this. Alas!
  6. It was a good addition. Thanx, Valens.
  7. I meant Huns (also known as Hunni) a nomadic pastoral people originated in northern China and then migrated to Central Asia. In the 2nd century AD they appeared in the steppes on the northern coast of the Black Sea. In the second half of the 4th century they began a massive migration into Central Europe, initiating the period of the great migrations of peoples into Europe from Asia. waw The Scythians and The Romans confronted in battle not once. I'm confused with the name of river "Thatis". What did you mean?
  8. The Bosporan was an ancient state on the northern coast of the Black Sea, founded ca 480BC through an alliance of existing Greek city-states. The kingdom's capital was Panticapaeum (present-day Kerch). The small colony Panticapaeum got world magnitude during the Athens blossoming epoch. Well-being of Athens was closely connected with Panticapaeums Greek colonies, and they had been achieved and kept an easy approach to Pontus in best way. Pericle sent to Pontus (444 BC) the great sea expedition to strengthen the connections of Athens with it and to get the markets as for export of the crude products which necessary for Attica, and as for import from last products of technical equipment, but in the meantime, to show power of Athens. From 438 BC to I BC Thracian condottieres are in the head of Bosporan management who were invited to defend the country against barbarians and getting salaries for this. Similar practice used commonly in Greece colonies. The Archaeanactid and the Spartocid dynastys ruled the Bosporan Kingdom during over 300 years. The Bosporan Kingdom was at the height of its economic and cultural development in the 4
  9. Catastrophic conditions in Roman Empire in middle of 3 BC was included Gallenius did some reform. The main target was to save the army for central power. Gallenius tried to attract to him the heads of army. To this aims was founded a new military elite as special unit of empire bodyguards (protectores divini lateris). From the point of Gallenius
  10. My advice do not need to make all black as Fatboy advises. You may to shade a few contours, to make blend from light to a shadow. It will make drawing more three-dimensional. It will be with originality. As to me I'll make tattoo never.
  11. Really, Marcus Claudius Marcellus has made so much for a victory above Hannibal. His death was tragically and at the same time nonsensicall. He has got in an ambush together with the not numerous group during reconnaissance of place and has been killed. Why such talented commander has shown similar unconcern? Especially the enemy was about and Marcellus should know about it. (He specially tried to set up camp as closer as possible to camp Hannibal to limit forage the enemy.) Probably, unconcern has appeared together with confidence of his forces. Marcellus was confident the chosen strategy and the future victory. Yes, it is possible his death put off the end of war, but I think, that not much more. There would be no victory at Zama in 202BC; there would be other victory in 203 or 204. The death of Marcellus has put off a victory no more than for 1-2 years. It is difficult to answer such questions unambiguously. All right, this my opinion only.
  12. Yes, it is big success to live in such historical place. My dig are interesting too, but they are organized so badly. I should write about them later when I'll find something valuable.
  13. This is the case, only it was valid for hundred years later.
  14. I have original version of the letter in Russian. But I cann't translate it without assistance as I don't know obscene English. If you're capable it yourself I'll send you the variant of true letter. But I'll not risk to do it at the forum.
  15. Above all I say about cavalry of republic time (before the war with Hannibal). Roman cavalry was a part of legion and was raised in Italia. In fact Italia wasn
  16. I suggest that will be good show. I imagine archaeological dig more serious deal then Time Team
  17. Oh! It isn't absolutely exact translation of the letter. Actually we couldn't to read it in a respectable society. It was much more cheerful. By the way, the letter (the draft copy of the letter is more true) has been kept by miracle, the original wasn't kept.
  18. Constantine XI Palaeologus (1405-1453) the last Byzantium Imperator (1449
  19. Romans began to use auxilia during the war with Gannibal. Cavalry was a weak spot of the Roman army always and many fights had been lost becouse of this. At second half 2
  20. I think it is a beautiful legend. Even Plutarch spoke about Romul as about the hero of a legend, but tried to make his more real. Actually the similar history is at many nations. (At Russian, for example, one of the versions of Kiev's foundation).
  21. Oh! I have a book about Byzantine Military with good illustrations. I understand there are many types of soldiers depicted of them. But book was printed in 1976 and wrote in Russian. At present time I don't can to scan images (the book is in Moscow and I'm in Crimea). I tried to find this images in Internet but without any results. How to help you now?
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