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Everything posted by leedx7
Crumbling Pompeii site in "state of emergency"
leedx7 replied to Viggen's topic in Archaeological News: Rome
I've recently returned from Pompeii. The gross mismanagement is shocking. They are exploiting the site purely for financial gain (i.e. forget the damage, get people trough the turnstiles) and making little to no effort to protect it. Of course, they are not helped by the tourists who think nothing of vandalising the site and scrawling their names on the walls. Even if the EU or Italian govt. invested billions, the corruption there would stifle any real gains that could be made. A very sad state of affairs. -
Does anyone know of a resource for information about the Roman occupation and expansion of Bath? Bit obscure I know, but any help would be appreciated. I have already dredged the official website and the handful of tiny mentions in tourism guides, but anything more substantial would be welcome.
I was wondering if anyone could answer a few questions I have regarding some of the lesser known aspects of the Roman Republic/early Empire (or any contemporary society such as celts or Greeks) that seem to escape mention. I know that Roman women were fond of makeup, so appearance was obviously important, but did they shave their legs? Did they have an equivalent to wax? I know that the colour purple denoted rank as it was expensive, but what colour denoted poverty? i.e. what were the cheaper and more common colours used for clothing? What would a run-of-the-mill Roman middle-class citizen be likely to wear on a day to day basis? Did the Romans ever wear hats? What did Roman men (or anyone from that time period) use to shave with? I presume there were fashions (such as particular cut of toga being preferred for one period, or a particular type of makeup, haircut or beard) but is there any evidence for this? And if so, did it conform to the norm now, which is that the rich/famous set the trends and the poor imitate? Were moustaches considered barbarian (I can find no mentioned of 'tached Romans although beards were a fashion at one stage I think)? I know that Gladiators were the equivalent of celebrities, and I presume Senators courted the
If you think about it, what was the last Empire to not have its "final" collapse marked by being conquered/overthrown by an arguably less advance nation? Most empires seem to expand to a limit (capped by an obstacle of some kind, either natural
Worst Historical Movie Of All Time
leedx7 replied to pompeius magnus's topic in Hora Postilla Thermae
BLAST FROM THE PAST!!! I used to love Demetrius the Gladiator! It was on a VHS double triple Bill with "High Risk" and the Road Runner Movie....I was about 8....I had forgotton about that film....cracking..... Anyone recall the original 300 Spartans...."They fight like machines"...hmmm..okay.....classic film though..... When it come to poor quality historical epics I think the greater majority are poor as they have a vast story to tell in a very limited time period...but, by far and away the worst historical movie of all time must be (and Im sorry that I cannot recall the exact title) a King Richard the lionheart film with Eric stoltz leading kids to the holy land or something....now that was baaaaaaaad. However, its not really an epic in the sense that I think this thread was started so.....hmmmmm.....King Arthur was utter dross......as WW2 films go Saving Private Ryan was extremely poor (2 action scenes aside) where Team USA won the war singlehandedly led by a band of stereotypes and a depressed teacher.....then again, The Thin Red Line (or Thin brown streak as I call it) was equally pap....oh yes Mr Malik, the Japanese surrendered in droves and the GI's spent their time swimming with the "troll-lke" locals....... For the more classic epic cinematic errors, I have to say that the original Alexander with Richard Burton ranks high as one of the more cack epics....but contrary to popular belief i though Cleopatra was actually really good....anyway.....I'm truly waffling on now.....anyone seen the TV movies of Helen of Troy and Spartacus? they are turd also.......im going back to work...... -
Creative Writing Contest
leedx7 replied to Primus Pilus's topic in Renuntiatio et Consilium Comitiorum
The book, coin and map have all crossed the atlantic safely. Cheers. The map is a belter and will adorn my office wall, much to the annoyance of my secretary! -
I have just watched some documentary trying to prove whether Naumachia ever actually occurred in the Coliseum. In the process of investigating this, this documentary stated that there was no evidence whatsoever of Christians being persecuted in the Coliseum? This was, in fact, a 16th myth instigated by the church? I have no knowledge of this but would be interested in the comments of others.
I lived for my first 24 years in Wallsend (Roman - Segedunum) where, as the name suggests, Hadrian's Wall ended (and is still visable in my once-local park). Wallsend is part of Newcastle, which was known in medieval times as "Gotham" or "City of Thieves" so there you are..nothing much changes...lol
Read the Last Legion by that Maximo something or other. I don't like him as an author, but once you read that you'll see that King A. was a blatant rip off....and most importantly you'll see where the idea for keira's outfit came from!!!! Not to mention most of the action scenes, oh...and the entire plot...... By the way, I'll repeat something from an earlier thread, and bearing in mind other threads regarding various generals' military genius, could someone please explain why the saxons invaded Britain by landing north of the Great Wall? cheers Me dears
29 on the 14th April I think he means Agincourt. Although it has been proven since that the longbow has been slightly overblown...it couldn't penetrate the knights armour, and the French choice of battlefield played a much more important role. Anyway, we still give them a good kicking. (slightly edited my me to make it shorter ) What's he that wishes so? My cousin Westmoreland? No, my fair cousin: If we are mark'd to die, we are enow To do our country loss; and if to live, The fewer men, the greater share of honour. God's will! I pray thee, wish not one man more. By Jove, I am not covetous for gold, Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost; It yearns me not if men my garments wear; Such outward things dwell not in my desires: But if it be a sin to covet honour, I am the most offending soul alive. No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from England: God's peace! I would not lose so great an honour As one man more, methinks, would share from me For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more! Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host, That he which hath no stomach to this fight, Let him depart; his passport shall be made And crowns for convoy put into his purse: We would not die in that man's company That fears his fellowship to die with us. This day is called the feast of Crispian: He that outlives this day, and comes safe home, Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named, And rouse him at the name of Crispian. He that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, And say 'To-morrow is Saint Crispian:' Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars. And say 'These wounds I had on Crispin's day.' Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot, But he'll remember with advantages What feats he did that day: then shall our names. Familiar in his mouth as household words Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester, Be in their flowing cups freshly remember'd. This story shall the good man teach his son; And Crispin Crispian shall ne'er go by, From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remember'd; We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition: And gentlemen in England now a-bed Shall think themselves accursed they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.
I have just skimmed the above posts and, having just recently read the book of Carrotta myself, I was wondering who else had? It seems to me that, for a forum dedicated to history (of which a key part is the collation and assessment of historical information from a variety of sources) there are a lot of people with opinions on this book, who have never actually read it? Do we have a
Creative Writing Contest
leedx7 replied to Primus Pilus's topic in Renuntiatio et Consilium Comitiorum
For what its worth, I liked them all. It must have been a nightmare to pick one. I have to say, if i had to chose the winner I would've gone for the poem too. Its not often you get that "braveheart speech moment" tingle when you read something. But there wasn't one entry I thought was pants. Must be all the educated geniuses that populate this site!!! -
Creative Writing Contest
leedx7 replied to Primus Pilus's topic in Renuntiatio et Consilium Comitiorum
Wow, I honestly did not expect to win. Thanks for that, and forgiving the slightly excessive length, I got carried away....I feel like its the oscars...I'd like to thank my parents etc.... I have to say that, having read the other winners, I was lucky and anyone could have tipped the scales, IMHO. Prizes - I'd like Lions Brood by R. Scott and the Aurelian coin if that is ok? Thanks to everyone who contributed a prize. Lee -
Sarmatian Knights Fact Or Fiction
leedx7 replied to a topic in Gloria Exercitus - 'Glory of the Army'
I actually quike like braveheart, and continue to enjoy with great amusement Longshanks' treatment of the Scots. Panto villains always make me laugh, no matter how evily they are protrayed. At the end of the day it was film about a Scottish hero, and you cant give the bad guy redeeming features or the public can get confused....or at least that is the preconception of Hollywood IMHO. "Scotland......Myland...." Cracking...gets all the best lines....exactly like the Sheriff in that other great piece of cack, Robin Hood with Kevin Costner...I agree, great in Dances with wolves, cack as Robin Hood....anyway....bit of a digression....King Arthur was a turdburger and I am greatful for the joys of Boormans Excalibur! -
Strategy, loss of life, scale of defeat...hmmm...basically the worst combiniation of all three. Cannae was a crushing defeat, but the Romans did recover and went on to dominate the Med and Europe so, although at the time it was a blow, it was not a loss that echoed through eternity as one quasi-ozzi general might have said. Also, the Roman defeat was arguably a combination of poor generalship and the horrible quality difference between Paulus/Varro, both more politicians thant military minds, and a certified military genius, Hannibal. It might be an interesting question to try and assess how other great/poor Roman Generals might have dealt with Hannibal's tactics? The Varus disaster was, IMHO, much further reaching that Cannae and on this I have to agree with Sulla. I would also argue that the defeat of Crassus was such that Rome decided to avoid any further Eastern advances and, as defeats go, it had a massive impact on future imperial designs.
Sarmatian Knights Fact Or Fiction
leedx7 replied to a topic in Gloria Exercitus - 'Glory of the Army'
Hollywood does have a hait of bastardizing history to fit into entertainment. I have read that it all relates to the lack of American History and the need to hijack the achievements of others, i have also read there are political reasons behind some of these decision, not to mention the personal opinions of some individuals in the hollywood system who just dislike Britain - STAND UP MR GIBSON! however, for all these misrepresentations of the truth, I like to think they are just simplified versions of fact, re-written to appeal the biggest movie going market in the world - America (please dont tell me about China being the biggest, I know it is, but im thinking financially). I just hope if someone ever decides to film the Scarrow novels, they try and avoid Michael Bay, Jerry Bruckheimer...or MEL F@@KING GIBSON! For my part, King Arthur was rubbish. And the ninja-roman with the bird-friend was about the worst part. Although the nonsensical invasion of britain by landing North of the wall was just daft...what sort of a General was he then? Obviously he left his strategc brain inside his hells angels helmet.... -
In response to the "best" topic, who do people think were the worst? Varus hardly distinguished himself in Germania? Crassus made a balls up in Parthia? Paulus & Varro were thrashed by Hannibal at Cannae? Calvinus and Postumius were hmiliated at the Caudine Forks against the Samnites? Maximus and Caepio were hammered by the Cimbri and Teutones at Arausio? The massacre at Adrianople of Valens by the Goths? Who was the worst General? And perhaps what was the worst defeat?
I think IMHO if you are going if you are going to assess the military worth of a Roman General you have to consider the scope of his victories and the calibre of his opponents. This is very brief assessment with lots of gaps! Sry but I'm on my lunch break at work! What about Q. Sertorius? Pompey was recognised as rome's wonderkid-general in the years before the first triumvirate, bearing in mind his thrashing of the pirates and victories in Africa against jugurtha (I think). But during the Sulla v Marian conflict several attempts were made to defeat Sertorius in Spain, by vastly larger armies commanded by a couple of Roman Generals, one of which was Pompey? Plus, he had one eye. I think that deserves mention. Pompey was a great organiser, but not tactically sound. His victories were great at the time, but his opponents were never remembered in history for their greatness and the resources at his disposal were vast. Caesar conquored Gaul, but he did this by a combination of politics and warfare against an enemy who thought war should be conducted either nude or certainly armourless, and that combat should be 1 on 1 with slashing weapons. Against Roman military technology there was only ever one outcome. You can slash armour all you want, but when someone jabs a few inches of a pointed short sword in your face from behind a big shield, you're going to lose, irrespective of how much battlefury you have. Anyway, Caesar would have been one of the worst generals in history had he failed to conquer Gaul with the resources at his disposal. I concede that Vercingetorix was a challenge, but if you actually analyse the battle Ceaser was outmanourvered badly by the Gaul! I think Ceasar can be better measured by his victories during the Civil war and over the aged Pompey. However, even there he had a battle hardened army and he fought a vastly more inexperienced force, with some terrible tactical decisions being made by Caesar's enemies. Crassus lost in Parthia, but was it not he who crushed spartacus? Of course, the escaped army of gladiators and slaves is no fit comparison, but its worth rememering that he was not that bad a general. Scipio Africanus was the general who defeated Hannibal. Arguably, Hannibal was, along with Phyruss of Epirus, mithrodates and possibly Jugurtha, one of the greatest generals since Alexander. You cant argue with that pedigree but my knowledge of the Punic Wars is limited. Vespasian was effective in the invasion of Britain, although his enemies were the disorganised British tribes. To end, I have always thought Sertorius was the greatest Roman General but the one least interested in politics and therefore the one least mentioned in history. However, like Memnon vs Alexander, his contemporary's obviously repsected him enough to rarely have a bad word said against him, and it is not often that you have a man so unknown by the public who, and I'm going from memory here, plutarch felt could have, and should have, been the greatest Roman General of his time?