Septimus Flavius Galarius
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Try typing in the story on google you will find about twenty sources for the story. If you don't trust ABC, CNN or the Associated Press, who do you trust Fox News and the New York Post. What do you mean "weres the rest of the story" she earned her degree the day before her graduation she was told she could not get her degree because of a photo of her drinking from a mr.goodbar cup wearing a pirate hat, colleges and university's are not the moral police and they are not your mother, you don't need to be lectured by them or have a degree you earned taken away because someone in the administration has too much time and feels that they should impose thier views of right and wong onto everyone else. She wasn't a teacher she was a student, plus the university has no business telling her what she can do on her own time. If a school were she was trying to get hired to be a teacher had a problem thats one thing but the university that she attended has no right to control what you do on your own time and what you post, especially if it is someon over 21 and drinking from a mr. goodbar cup, i hope someone does an investigation of the administrators who made this decision, lets see how moral the moral police are. The relevance is republicans at a supposedly equal and nuetral university imposing their views on to everyone else. Especially in the case were the university refuses to put sexual discrimination in its discrimination policy, can you explain why they would do that unless they did that for their own personally views and not the good of the university. That seems to be a symptom of being part of the far right, imposing you views on everyone else no matter what the damage is and who it affects. The ironic thing is that most of the time they are hypocrites like Rush Limbaugh who said never trust a draft dodger and railing against drug addicts, despite him being a draft dodger and a pill junkie, Newt Gingrich who admitted having a affair during Bill Clinton's impeachment, and Ted Haggard the anti-gay evangelical preacher who had sex with a male prostitute for three years and was buying meth.
I personally would like to see a Roman themed metal concert. Unforunately alot of metal bands see themselves as the new german barbarians or the new Viking raiders.
MILLERSVILLE, Pa. - A woman denied a teaching degree on the eve of graduation because of a MySpace photo has sued the university. Millersville University instead granted Stacy Snyder a degree in English last year after learning of her Web-published picture, which bore the caption "Drunken Pirate." "I dreamed about being a teacher for a long time," said Snyder, 27, who now works as a nanny. The photo, taken at a 2005 Halloween party, shows Snyder wearing a pirate hat while drinking from a plastic "Mr. Goodbar" cup. It was posted on her own MySpace site. Although Snyder apologized, she learned the day before graduation that she would not be awarded an education degree or teaching certificate. Jane S. Bray, dean of the School of Education, accused Snyder of promoting underage drinking, the suit states. The federal lawsuit seeks at least $75,000 in damages. Millersville spokeswoman Janet Kacskos referred questions to a state System of Higher Education spokesman, who declined comment. (YAHOO NEWS) Apparently being over 21 and drinking from a mr.goodbar cup on myspace is room for a university to deny you a degree you earned, despite having excellent grades!!! By the way Millersville University is the same university that its own students protested because it refuses to put sexual orientation discrimination in its discrimination policy.
NHL Playoffs
Septimus Flavius Galarius replied to Rameses the Great's topic in Hora Postilla Thermae
Its going to be a tough year for you New York City fans. First the Sabres eliminate the Islanders next we will eliminate the Rangers. GO BUFFALO!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
What Religion Are You?
Septimus Flavius Galarius replied to Sextus Roscius's topic in Hora Postilla Thermae
Personally i worship The Flying Spaghetti Monster and the Invisible Pink Unicorn. -
NHL Playoffs
Septimus Flavius Galarius replied to Rameses the Great's topic in Hora Postilla Thermae
What is it with all the Buffalo bashing here. As far as you canadian fans are concerned no canadian team has won the stanley cup since '93 and the last time the Leafs were in the eastern conference finals they were routed by Buffalo in 5 games, and does anyone remeber last years playoffs when ottawa was also beaten in 5 games by Buffalo. As far as the San Jose Sharks are concerned even if they somehow get past Nashville they WILL NOT get past the second round no matter who they face. As for the Penquins well they didn't look too great against ottawa in game one so unless they get their act together i'm not to worried about them either. -
NHL Playoffs
Septimus Flavius Galarius replied to Rameses the Great's topic in Hora Postilla Thermae
Why would the Sabres winning it all be a laugh, their the best team in the league. If any team deserves to win it all its the Sabres, and they are long over due at that. Its finally Buffalo's year, and those of us that live in Buffalo can't wait to celebrate. -
Scipio Africanus - Greater Than Napoleon
Septimus Flavius Galarius replied to Viggen's topic in Reviews
Napoleon's greatest flaws were his arrogance and his disconnect from those around him unless he himself would be directly affected. After the disaster in Russia he would hold eleborate balls, one quote from a French colonel,"People were shocked to see the Emperor enteraining at Tuileries. It was an insult to public grief and revealed cruel sensitivity to the victims." Napolean was also know to abandon his army in the field, as he did in Russia during the French retreat. You cannot be a good leader by repeatedly glossing or ignoring your mistakes and not expressing at least a small amount of understanding of the misery of the people you lead in which your decisions have caused. As great of a general as Napoleon was, he was a failure as a diplomat and did not rule the lands he conquered wisely, as in the repeated uprisings of the Prussians and Austrians against Napolean despite being beaten badly by him numerous times. He simply believed that if he defeated an enemy army than that nation would just lay down to him and that they would have to accept whatever he wanted. He really didn't even try to pass himself off as a benevolent ruler. Scipio Africanus after defeating Hannibal at Zama did not raze carthage, as was expected of him, and was generaly moderate to the defeated Carthagians. Scipio refused to made Dictator for life, he didn't hunger for power like Napolean and fought more for the protection of Rome against her enemies, and not their annihilation, which was what Napolean wanted for his enemies but never got. I think history looks more favorable on the humble and generous Scipio, than the arrogant and power hungry Napolean. -
Here is a article on the subject. http://ancienthistory.suite101.com/article...antis_and_thera
De Patre Vostro (Episode 22)
Septimus Flavius Galarius replied to M. Porcius Cato's topic in Rome Television Series
Well the thing is Pullo went from the everyday underdog you could cheer for in the first season to a almost complete sociopath in the second season. The fact is he didn't just lie to Octavian he murdered his fellow Roman soldiers while protecting a enemy of Rome, and this is from the same guy who is always yelling "13th", now if that is not treason i don't know what is. As for a third season they did leave the door open for it, but i doubt it will ever come unless there is a huge fan push for it. -
Atheism in Ancient Rome
Septimus Flavius Galarius replied to Marcus Apathicus's topic in Templum Romae - Temple of Rome
Wasn't the mythology of jesus based partly on the mythology of Bacchus? -
Atlantis may actually be based on the Minoan civilization.
Atheism in Ancient Rome
Septimus Flavius Galarius replied to Marcus Apathicus's topic in Templum Romae - Temple of Rome
"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus by the Supreme Being in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter."-Thomas Jefferson -
Did you really read the ariticle because those guys who went on the bus actually were looking for the union leaders. The ariticle doesn't say that 4,000 union murders were the US fault. You know maybe the US shouldn't be supporting countries like Saudia Arabia and China two of the BIGGEST human right violators and non-democratic countries in the world, but hey just because the government says we should export democracy and American values doesn't mean we will. Money over values any day.
Well here is the thing if China is not the main country in Asian who is? Thailand, Burma, laos, North Korea, Malasysia who.
Just curious to see if anyone has a favorite Consul. Mine would be Gaius Claudius Nero, who was as responsible as anyone else for Hannibal's destruction. Though with Marcus Livius Salinator, Nero was the one most responsible for winning the battle of metaurus, and he was the one who had Hasdrubal's cut cut off and thrown into Hannibal's camp. Though the Roman People didn't clamor for him to be made Dictator for life like Scipio, Nero was just as important in the eventual defeat of Hannibal and Carthage.
First off China is not just "one" country in south asia, it is THE country of all Asia. The biggest hypocrisy is accusing China of massive human rights violations, which it is guilty of, and the US Government telling the world that we are the promoters of democracy in the world while China squashes any internal dissent, but on the other hand allowing American companies to do as much bussiness with China as possible. But the argument goes if they open up economically then they will open up socially. Well then why does China use Google to find blogs of Chinese dissenters. The internet service that the Chinese have are as censored as anything else over there, thats what American business has brought to China, new ways to crack down on dissenters. Ideology and moral issues are the heart of the matter, you can't have it both ways, China wants economic freedom but no personal liberties, and American companies want a place that they can exploit and were dissent is not existent. You think a chinese dissident rotting in a jail cell for having a blog that is critical of the Chinese government is enjoying the joys of American investment. I'm sure if GM ever has any trouble with its workers they just call someone in the Chinese goverment, and they will never hear from those troublemaking workers again, after all there are only a billion more to replace them. Thats a real big step forward china's making. Here is an article on why there is such a negative view of US companies. http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N16333983.htm
Don't Americans work more hours and receive less vacations than almost all other industrial nations. Also someone mentioned ealier in this thread that if a country cannot even have running water or enough food for its population how can they be catching up economically. China would be the perfect example of this, were with all the investment and "improvements" in China, the Communist party rules that country less for the protection of the ideals of Marx and Mao Zedong and more for the protection of the ruling elites in the party while the rest of the population lives in poverty. The same thing could be said for alot of these countries were American jobs get outsourced to.
I remeber the republicans roasting Clinton at the time saying he wanted to send all our jobs to mexico, but they never mentioned the fact it was started by Gorge Bush senior's administration and fast tracked by Bush senior also. Now during this current administraion about a half dozen free-trade agreements have been signed with countries, including that farce CAFTA which also included a 217-215 vote in the House of Repesentavies, in which tom delay, who at the time was under indictment, held the floor vote open long after the schedule vote time was over and CAFTA was voted against. But being the honest gentleman he is tom delay kept the floor open, despite that being against House rules and threatened other republicans who voted against CAFTA until he finally bullied enough republicans to vote for it. It was truly one of the most sorriest and disgusting moments in the history of the House of Representatives.
German Film "Downfall"
Septimus Flavius Galarius replied to Primus Pilus's topic in Historia in Universum
I enjoyed the movie and it was pretty accurate, though i think the fighting in Berlin was more fierce that what was portrayed on the screen. Also he praised the Soviets at one point and said something like the "western allies would lose to the disciplined armies of the east," which i would like to know where they got that quote from because it seems so out of place because he had a deep hatred for all things slavic especially the Russians. All in all a very good movie the actor who played Goebbels was very good, its not easy playing one of the lowest forms of life in history, and the scene of the murder of Goebbels children by Magda Goebbels is very tragic and chilling. -
MPC just look around you jobs are getting outsourced but prices are still rising on everything. For what the companies are paying their workers the products they sell back here should be a fraction of what they really cost. Its not about supply and demand, its about money plain and simple. Its about the few on top taken advantage of the many at the bottom. I used the example of Congress changing the banrupcy laws so that it is nearly impossible for average Americans to declare bancrupcy any any circumstances, but did Congress do the same for corporate America, no they did not because these companies have the money to get these kind of laws passed and average Americans don't. To say it is the American workers fault that the companies are outsourcing thier jobs because they earn too much or that that they get too many benefits, while the one's at top make no effort themselves to curb any of their excesses is a insult. If these companies want to go to other countries them let them, take the whole company and when they start having trouble let the goverment of the country they are in bail them out. Let these companies pay the same tariffs that other foreign companies have to pay, and the only reason they have these tariffs is so they can't compete with the American companies, just look at what the Canadian lumber companies have to go through. I'm for business's making money, but when they say in order for them to compete American workers can no longer expect benefits, can no longer expect contract guarantees, no longer expect safe working conditions,no longer to be able to earn a living wage, then something is very wrong somewhere. Are we going to reach a point in our history when workers who demand to be treated fairly are shot and murdered by hiring thugs bought by companies, thats what happened in the 1930's. Because it seems were headed down that road. PS- I'm not some radical, but someone who has personally seen what corporate "supply and demand" does to real people, and thats the real problem these companies only see dollars and cents and nothing else.
MPC- It has nothing to do with worker productivity. It has everything to do with instead of paying a skilled American worker their worth, these companies go to South America or asia, and pay those people not even half of what would be minimum wage in this country. To top it off these countries probaly have lax labor laws and no unions, and a influx of people who are so desperate for work they will work any dangerous or little paying job. For these companies to this to the American worker is a spit and slap in the face, then these very same companies go run to the government when the going goes bad for them them. We live in the country with the greastest living standard in the world and to have these corporate robbers sit their and cut people who's lives depend on the benefits and wages they earned with a life time of work and then not only not cut their own pay but vote themselves an increase before they announce what they are doing to their workers should be criminal. You know it brings to something i was watching on tv, i can't rember what it was called, they were interviewing some business man before the Iraq War about the prospects of going to war, and he as all for it just because potential billions could be made there. They then asked him about the soldiers and civilians that would die also, and he said "well it may be bad for everyone else but its good for us." That should be the motto of coporate America.
Wow do you actually believe that. 3 million jobs have been lost in this country during Mr. Business friendly George W's Administration. I have a sister who has been working at Delphi for over 20 years as a electrician now they are forcing her to retire early so she they can pay her less benefits and they are outsourcing all their jobs!! You mentioned you have been to india and china, well how about looking at USA, were workers that have worked jobs for 10, 15 or 20 years are asked to have their pay cut in half or they forced to retire, while the ceo's don't think twice, or once for that matter, about cutting their salaries, or benefits. This "tax us and regulate us and Americans will lose their jobs" is nothing but fear mongering by business. You can give businesses every perk in the world and they will still outsource are jobs. Business's have one job and that is to make money, and if they don't they just have the federal goverment bail them out at the American tax dollar expense. Why was it the formerly Republican Congress changed the law so that it would be harder for individual Americans to declare bankruptcy, but nothing was said about corporate bankruptcy, you think they did that for the benefit average Americans!!!! Oh on a side note thanks to all this wonderful investment by businesses the average Americans buying rate is at the lowest it has been in 50 years.
Isolationism and WWII
Septimus Flavius Galarius replied to Antiochus of Seleucia's topic in Historia in Universum
Your right, but i didn't say it was a fighter, i should have worded that better, my mistake. -
Isolationism and WWII
Septimus Flavius Galarius replied to Antiochus of Seleucia's topic in Historia in Universum
I believe the British lost more fighters than the Germans during the Battle of Britain. Also another contributing factor for the french collapse was the indifference of the french population to German occupation. Also the British didn't help matters by sinking a French fleet along the coast of Algeria and at the time the British and French were still officially allies.