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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Augustine

  1. You know what i mean when I say "wasnt known till the 1500s". I think theres alot more Roman influence as far as gonverment in america than any recent country. When I say America is the "New Rome" im speaking of its influence on the world. Which many other countries can be made a case for. But its somewhat a term used for a greatly influentel country.
  2. Yes, certainly you see different aspects of Rome in other countries such as Russia, England etc. But what I think is so intresting with America is America is a whole ocean away, wasnt even known to the world until 1500's and after the revolution, was almost modeled completely from Rome(The Republic), and you dont ever really see a country modeled after the "republic Rome" but rather the "Empire of Rome". And 300 yrs later, we are taking a very same path Rome did. Obviously there are major differences, but theres so much Rome and for that matter Greek influence in America itself.
  3. Well, I think unless you go through many reforms, alotve civil wars and so much other stuff, your country/empire is always going to fall. Some of the stuff i lsited may even cause the fall ironicly. But the way America and Rome both began with the rights of the people, and as an republic. This type of gonverment is always best, but it can lead down to a road of bad things because our gonverment becomes so successful and powerful, that its our eventual downfall. I dont think Americas fall is anytime soon, but I think there will be a day that the United States will be a weak country, or an broken country. Like you said, so similar to Rome.
  4. Me and a friend discussed this and he said Rome doesnt have much influence or similiarities to America. As for I, i think we have so much that America is a "New Rome". Both are/were mega powers with the greatest influence on the western world. Both being an Republic(Republic Rome in this case). Thats just some of what I have to say, what is yalls opinions?
  5. I would like to be a philosopher if possible, something like a teaching the Greek arts.
  6. Im would say the aftermath of Rome. Im very intrested in Roman Society itself, but i find how almost every European country of today is derived from some type of Roman culture intresting, hence the 2nd and 3rd Roman Empires.
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