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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by BRENNUS

  1. I agree i think that the similarities are rather striking in that both had/have a great deal of power and influence over the known world in particulary the west. I think that what's even more eerie is that the fall of the United States will be for reasons very similar to that of Rome (if not almost identical). I guess we just didn't learn from history
  2. I Would have wanted to be a senator in the late REPUBLIC! I would have been a man of prominence, prestige and power. Also i like to be in the mix and am very oppionated (and hard headed too) so i would have been an agressive & well known senator with many friends and many enemies.
  3. I'am kind of new studying ancient Rome and i'am really interested in Rome after it's fall. I have kind of an odd question, In the years after the fall of the western empire and even into the middle ages would the city of rome itself still have looked like the great city it once was but maybe just with less people? I just want someone to shead a little light on what Rome would have been like before the rennaisance both the people and the city itself. Thanx
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