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I found it for sale on a Dutch language website (using google translate), but crucially the DVD is listed as also being in English: http://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=nl&u=http://www.bol.com/nl/p/dvd/battle-against-rome/1002004007767326/index.html&ei=k8rvTqTsA4vG8QPzloX9CQ&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCMQ7gEwAA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhttp://www.bol.com/nl/p/dvd/battle-against-rome/1002004007767326/index.html%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3Dm9S%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26prmd%3Dimvns A nice Christmas present it would make.
I have read "Imperium" and am now half way through "Lustrum". Imperium was an excellent book, I read it twice, and Lustrum is looking to be even better. Harris has a long standing interest in Ancient Rome himself and the books are written as closely to historical fact and to what we know of the principals characters actions as possible. They are about politics, public and private, in late republican Rome. They are narrated by his private secretary 'Tiro', as a very old man in Augustan Rome, long after Ciceros death. Cicero is the main character obviously but Caesar, Crassus, Pompeii, Cato, Cataline and a whole host of other names are also prominent, interacting with Cicero and out of sight. Excellent books. I highly recommend them both. The 3rd and final book, on the collapse and Civil war, should be awesome too.
Roman Empire + The Ancient World chat.
Kieronus replied to Kieronus's topic in Hora Postilla Thermae
It's open 24/7, whether an admin is present or not. So drop in. Or arrange to meet a few from here. As well as the instant chat: Videos can be posted into it for later watching. Specific discussions can take place via a board. 'Floating' chatbox option. Cheers -
Marble head of Emperor Titus found/
Kieronus replied to Gaius Paulinus Maximus's topic in Archaeological News: Rome
Good find! Cheers -
Just to let you all know, if you need somewhere to meet up for instant chat purposes... Come along to: http://chatroll.com/roman-empire Come along any-time, for serious discussions or flippant utterances, no admin need be there for it to be open. Open 24/7. Cheers.
You can browse and order single issues here if don't want a full subscription: http://www.ancient-warfare.com/cms/shop/an...escOrderBy=DESC
It's worth getting for sure, not as in depth as you may hope for, but you may read a few things that surprise you or cause you to question a previous assumption. Nicely written and presented and also comes with quality illustrations. I buy it on an issue to issue basis, depending on the content, rather than subscribe outright.
Click here...IMDB link for Centurion film The summary says: "Britain, A.D. 117. Quintus Dias, the sole survivor of a Pictish raid on a Roman frontier fort, marches north with General Virilus' legendary Ninth Legion, under orders to wipe the Picts from the face of the Earth and destroy their leader, Gorlacon" And you can see a clip of it here: click here, link for film clip It is directed by the fellow who made the enjoyable horror flick, Dog Soldiers. I really, really hope it does not suck. It will be out this year.
That's what I am hoping for, Bruno Heller having creative control. If you look at the episode lists on wikipedia, he wrote eight of the first series yet only 2 episodes of the second season and boy did it show. The second season was a mess, the first two episodes got off to a good start but with so many writers trying to stamp their mark on the show it was bound to go pear shaped. To many sub-plots that went nowhere, pointless one dimentional fictional characters, too much shock and shlock tele-soap nonsense. The whole jewish sub-polt was pointless and silly, the pap with Agrippa and Octavia and little silly things that irritated like Pullo keeping the fellow in the cage, Octavian becoming a odd vacant weirdo, Atia not dieing, and of course the entire waste of time Vorenus' family fued.. blahhhh If I wanted to watch domestic disputes I would watch bloody eastenders. After the second episode, I would have loved to have seen Vorenus stay on as a feared senator in Rome whilst Pullo became slowly involved with the gangs. The two of them friends still, finding themselves being drawn to the two opposing sides of the gulf between Antony and Octavian. They could have worked all manner of historical truths in and around it, it would have been marvelous. Alas, no. It was almost as if HBO wanted to sap the life from the show. I digress... If Heller makes it, I'm all for it... if it's anyone else however... Maybe, just maybe, it will be set in a different time frame, allowing for a fresh start with one man in the driving (writing) seat. EDIT: Found some more info: LINK:CLICK HERE
As a great fan of the first series and as a: Liker loather engrossed indifferent , viewer of the second, This comes as interesting news.... Ray Stevenson has spoken in an interview of discussions under way for a ROME feature film. Click the link below: Rome the Film! dated 28th of Feb 2008, so it has been recently considered...
Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus (Episode 21)
Kieronus replied to Julia C's topic in Rome Television Series
Sing it brother! The first season was far superior. I mourn the death of a great show.. But I'll keep watching till it ends. Incidentally, the last episode will be great, it is by Bruno Heller (the original writer and inventer of the show) who wrote 6 episodes in season one, and only the first one and last ones of this season (and boy does it show). -
have my real name, i don't mind the secret police. Kieron O'Grady
do mine! 1st.  nkeori 2nd. 'ry\daog lords.
Heres some links to my favourites: EUROPA BARBARORUM: http://www.europabarbarorum.com/ Outstanding realism mod, and they just released an update too. LORD OF THE RINGS TOTAL WAR: http://www.lotrtw.com/ Excellent. Based on the film trilogy, is only a 1.2 custom battle version at the minute but full 1.5/6 campaign version out soon! It WILL be quite incredible. IBERIA TW: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=62 Great mod based around the Punic wars and the wars for the Iberian peninsula. New version is out really soon, so I'd advise waiting for this rather than dling the old one, it has some balancing issues that will be fixed with the new one. And their are loads more. go to this site for all your needs totalwar wise: http://www.twcenter.net/ It also hosts loads of full mods.
FOR ALL WHO WANT A ROME:TW MODIFICATION BUT CANNOT FIGURE OUT THE INSTALLATION! (and some links to some great full mods, skip to bottom of post to see) I bought rometw when it was released and played it, and as many mods as i could get my paws on, and did a little modding on it myself. I'm not a game player usually, but this game is excellent and purely because of the EXCELLENT MODS there are. I'm talking about FULL CONVERSIONS here too not some little tweaks.. Anyways.. ............................................... THE INSTRUCTIONS! ONE.. COPY YOUR MAIN ROMETW FOLDER MAKE SURE that you copy your clean (unmodded) rometw main folder and use this copy to install your mod on. Do this EVERY time you are installing a mod. Of course, you'll need sufficient hard drive space. TWO.. CHECK YOUR GAME VERSION Their are several official patches for rome out, the last of which is obviously the best balanced and the one you usually will need. If you bought the game quite recently or have the rometw Gold edition then worry not, your game will already be patched up to the newest version. *If you bought your game a while back though, install the game and run it. The version it is patched to will be on the loading screen in the corner.* GO TO www.totalwar.com for your patches if you need one. The newest version is 1.5 for RomeTW by itself or 1.6 for the Barb.Invasion expansion (these two patches are exactly the same for installing mod purposes, a mod that says it is for Rometw WILL work with a installation of Barb.Invasion providing you use the Rometw disc). Some mods, however, use older patches (like 1.2) so check to see what patch is required before you try to install. You CANNOT patch back to 1.2. So dont even bother trying to play an older mod that requires this if you have the newer release. 1.5/6 is much better anyway. THREE.. INSTALL MOD TO THE CORRECT PLACE NOT in your original folder but into the aforementioned (see part one) copy. You cannot simply install over your clean game, as their will be hell to pay if you try to uninstall to start again or to try another mod... and ALWAYS read the readme if there is one. ...................... Now thats out of the way, chose some mods! Heres some links to my favourites: EUROPA BARBARORUM: http://www.europabarbarorum.com/ Outstanding realism mod, and they just released an update too. LORD OF THE RINGS TOTAL WAR: http://www.lotrtw.com/ Excellent. Based on the film trilogy, is only a 1.2 custom battle version at the minute but full 1.5/6 campaign version out soon! It WILL be quite incredible. IBERIA TW: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=62 Great mod based around the Punic wars and the wars for the Iberian peninsula. New version is out really soon, so I'd advise waiting for this rather than dling the old one, it has some balancing issues that will be fixed with the new one. And their are loads more. go to this site for all your needs totalwar wise: http://www.twcenter.net/ It also hosts loads of full mods. Any problems just pm me.
Heroes of the Republic (episode 17)
Kieronus replied to Primus Pilus's topic in Rome Television Series
ha! -
Heroes of the Republic (episode 17)
Kieronus replied to Primus Pilus's topic in Rome Television Series
Much better episode! I was actually starting to lose interest in my favourite show after the weak 3rd episode and the not much better 4th. Simon woods is growing into his Octavian quite well, and we look set for a excellent Battle of Phililpi. The eejit who wrote episode 3 (scott buck) has also written episode 7 by the way... Depending on how it turns out, I may yet call off my assassins... -
Heroes of the Republic (episode 17)
Kieronus replied to Primus Pilus's topic in Rome Television Series
oh gods...... maybe its for the best that this is the last season. -
"Testudo et Lepus (The Tortoise and the Hare)"
Kieronus replied to Primus Pilus's topic in Rome Television Series
EXACTLY!... Its the goddamn writers i blame for the sudden spiral of quality for the last two episodes. Bring back HELLER! Heres a list i found: Episode ................ ...... Director ............... ..... Writer 17 Heroes of the Republic..Alik Sakharov ....Mere Smith 18 Phillippi......... ....... .... Roger Young ... Eoghan Mahony 19 Death Mask ....... .. ...TBA ........... ... Scott Buck 20 A Necessary Fiction ..... TBA ... ...... Todd Ellis Kessler 21 Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus...TBA ...... Mere Smith 22 De Patre Vostro .... .. TBA .... ..... ...... ... Bruno Heller So its this Scott Buck fellow whos wrote the weakest episode yet imo (episode 15) and hes got another to go.. Bruno Heller is set for the Last episode. He wrote one and two of this season as well and it showed in their quality. Its becoming quite farcial, I just want the whole atia/servilia thing to stop. Its plain daft and is robbing far too much screen time. YET. I havent given up hope, I love the show in general but at the minute im starting to look back to series one as the good old days. -
Hello.... all. This is my first post, despite that I have been lurking on this site on for years... If the difference in the airing times between hbo and bbc for the first series are anything to go it'll be at least 3 months... These are the airing dates of the first episode of the first series.. August 28, 2005 (HBO) November 2, 2005