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Everything posted by Silentium

  1. designing websites and working with graphics,learning languages, travelling, music, videogames, volleyball, photography etc.
  2. Cool. If I ever visit Rome, I'll look you up. I'm not going to propose myself as a guide because you probably know Rome better than me
  3. I think some people tend to confuse the findings of the new Ikea with the ones of Ikea anagnina, so I thought I'd make a separate thread for them. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- These are the amphores found at the first IKEA in Rome, they are called Doli (IV-V century b.C.);they were used as containters for foodstuffs and food in general. The enourmous quantity of vases and broken tiles found inside an area delimitated by walls made of tufo(?) that later collapsed, leads to think that the original building was a warehouse. After the collapse it was used as a manure pit. Picture by me here: sorry for the bad quality but the photo was gigantic so I had to make it smaller
  4. As far as old Hebrew go I can
  5. hmm..that's not totally true though. General luck and circumstances are also involved like if I was born in Darfur I probably wouldn't be typing this at the moment. I believe we have control over 50% of our actions, the rest is in the hands of destiny (and fortuna ) but certainly not spirits =) Oh, by the way, I think I posted something in the Machiavelli thread so sorry for posting about it again but there's a wonderful passage about "men and fortune" (L'uomo e la fortuna) in the "Discourses on Livy" book.
  6. Roman women had pratically no rights. They were excluded from political life and they had no juridical life(meaning that they shifted from their father's manus from theirhusband's one);this happened because according to men, they had an ignorantia iuris (juridical ignorance) imbecillitas mentis (...grr), infirmitas sexus,levitatem animi and many other negative sides. As a matter of fact education for a girl and a boy were often different, which may partially explain the imbecillitas mentis..
  7. Yes, and I remember Metternich said something similar. Of course regional differences are strongly felt in Italy, but I think the same exact thing could happen in France between a
  8. Very interesting thread =) I didn
  9. Exactly, perfect analysis claiming celtic origins is for most only a cover up for their real reasons, merely economic ones. Plus in this way they can attract in the movement as many people as possible, especially farmers, shepherds and generally other relatively ignorant people from the northern valleys who will most likely hear the call of their celtic origins and give them the vote, despite knowing nothing about economics and the real purposes of Lega Nord. That is what irritates me, this egoistical view of things. North-centre Italians are aware that the south is poorer and affected by plagues like mafia, camorra etc. but does it entitle us to leave them alone in their situation? The area of Rome is a relatively rich one, together with Tuscany and other central regions of Italy. Does this give us the right to claim Etruscan/Roman origins (if you catch the drift ) and to split up from Italy just because from Naples to Palermo they are just criminality and farms? Obviously not. Economy is not the only reason behind this though, otherwise I would not understand this intense hate for Roma. Why do Lega Nord hate Rome? That
  10. INTP - "Architect". Greatest precision in thought and language. Can readily discern contradictions and inconsistencies. The world exists primarily to be understood. 3.3% of total population. I won't bother posting the percentage..it's quite embarassing to share lol
  11. Many theories were made concerning Etruscans as well; they could have been Celts, they could have simply been Villanovans..OR, as many people think, they could have just been
  12. My knowledge is limited to the druids and a bit of mythology so I
  13. Nerdy fact @_@ lol : the oldest monument in the forum is the column of the Byzantine Emperor Foca (608 A.D.) though the body of the column was stolen from a piece of the II century A.D.
  14. Oh, ok. From what I read in the thread it should be very good, if it's on BBC then I can watch it, but I feel like I'd better get the DVD once and if it comes out (the power of subtitles!! that would help me understand it better)
  15. Impression?Yes, I probably entered the guinness book because of the amazing number of times I used the word "also" in that post. I'm proud of myself XD. Why do I have this terrible habit of not reading again what I post!?! lol I could give you detailed itineraries (less popular but more beautiful) where you could find early architecture, but it would be off topic here, and there's too much to write about it. Maybe you should open another thread for that =|
  16. I'm not sure I know this series =) speaking of which, last week in Italy another of these sad reality shows popped up, "Ritorno al presente"("return to present days"), which is supposed to take place in the roman era...only VIPs can enter it though, and when they are "nominated" they receive the "nominatio", or "nominationis" =|. The saddest thing since the teletubbies really..except the teletubbies do have a reason to exist (I mean, it's a good entertainment for children), ritorno al presente doesn't it's also an insult to our origins, considering the people who are taking part in it lol
  17. I'm one of them..for other reasons though. It's not because the Colosseum is the symbol of modern Rome and then the romans would feel bad about it, it's just that it would be a too complicated operation, especially with materials, and I wouldn't want to see a repetition of what the various popes did to the colosseum throughout the centuries, adding pieces with different colours and such. I think that would give it a sense of "artificiality" =( I absolutely don't want them to build the missing parts. As far as restructuration goes I recall the last one was before the jubilee =S maybe I'm wrong. We are currently having "green sundays" and "green thursdays" to reduce pollution (it was terrible in the last few weeks =() but most people feel like it's totally useless..if after a month the pollution level is exactly the same. They'd better reinforce public transportation instead (that would also save me and the other romans hours spent in traffic jams and all these beautiful things ) but I doubt our current government would be interested...
  18. I live "somewhere" in Rome(I'm not going into details or you would be able to locate me lol ) and there are quite a few famous roman sites around.Though my neighbour was recently digging to build a nice 3 floors villa in the "land" just next to my garden, except when they started working some other ruins came out (as I was expecting). Apparently it was part of a wall and a road (at that stage the ruins were still semi-hidden in the ground). Now, I'm not an archaeologist but having lived here my whole life I could make my considerations; I recongized that the wall was an "opus reticulatum", therefore the building was surely made in a period that can be between last years of res publica and early imperial years. The road totally shocked me (actually the wall too..but the road was incredible) because it was perfect, and with that I don't mean just perfectly conserved, but also perfectly made..it seemed like someone had build it the day before, such was its perfection. I noticed it was different from the classic basaltum roads with "basolati" (like the Via Sacra for instance), the basolati seemed to be perfectly coincident and the road was pratically perfect, I bet much more comfortable for journeys than the other ones. Also, I don
  19. I would like to focus again on the main question of the thread trying to prove that Christianity did not help the empire. I'm going to post a few quotes, sorry for latin but that's the only way I can demonstrate what I want to say. Si vis pacem para bellum If you want peace prepare the war With the barbarians, just to name one, diplomacy would have been useless (otherwise they wouldn't be barbarians), the "Galli"(for instance)already pillaged Rome in 390 B.C. The Romans defended the empire from them for centuries, what if they had "given the other cheek"...??That would have caused the immediate fall of the empire... This is just a stupid example anyway, I could quote "Mors tua vita mea" too, which is also in antithesis with the traditional Christian values. Philosophy is a different matter, I mean, the Romans had a moral despite what people usually think or imagine, so it's quite obvious that there are common points between certain Christian views and stoicism/epicureism . The fact is the Romans were.."open minded", efficient, modern (which might sound like an oxymoron but that's what I think). I will post another quote to clarify what I just posted: Homo quisque faber ipse fortunae suae Every man makes his fortune/destiny by himself. Something like this would have been unacceptable in a doctrine preaching of a "pre-written" destiny... To conclude, in my opinion Christianity was not the cause of the fall of the empire, or the only one cause, but it certainly did not help it in any way. =/
  20. That is perfectly correct, and anyway I'm not that good at latin myself so it's not up to me to judge I only have the advantage of speaking a language with a wide range of words and verbs deriving from latin. it is "(the) Barberini (family) did (to Rome) what the barbarians didn't do" Basically with Barberini we indicate Maffeo Barberini, Pont. Max. Urbano VIII, who stole bronzes from the Pantheon to "decorate" the Vatican, build cannons and such lovely things..I was just being sarcastic anyway =) I don't think Christianity helped the roman empire in any way..if anything it paved the way to the HOLY roman empire, which had really few "roman" elements =| despite making an effort to think of something looks like the only one neuron wandering in my cranium won't come up with anything in favour of this thesis..=/ so sorry. actually I believe it's the opposite
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