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Everything posted by Mosquito

  1. I know what I thought on the begining. For me the first picture was looking just like the temple of Vesta on the Roman forum but after watching second picture I realised it was somthing different. http://images.google.pl/imgres?imgurl=http...l%3Dpl%26sa%3DN
  2. Well, on the ground of architecture I afraid that Im a complete ignorant. I can tell the difference between circus and aqueduct or temple but thats all.
  3. Nope. The problem is that this type of ruins one may find from Spain to Syria, everywhere around mediterenian sea. I think there is even one in Rome looking similar to this one altough I dont remember if Iv seen in on the forum or somwhere else. Im more than sure to have seen at least 10 similar to yours Klingan. Is it really somthing unique?
  4. I wont take it personal but please dont be that brutal.
  5. That's a point I hadn't considered. It's very far from positive evidence for a sexual relationship! -- but, yes, it would help to explain why the only such claim now recorded emerges so much later. I think that there is no doubt that some of the letters were removed. There is really not much left of the corespondence with Caesar, especially letters to Cicero from Caesar dissapeared. In other corespondence one may find interesting gaps in years 64-63, 57 and 43. Cosindering the events which happend in this years, the lack of those letters is not astonishing.
  6. Yes, Nephele is right, its El Jem, ancient Thidrus, in this what today is Tunisia.
  7. You got a point theilian. There was hardly anything Cicero was able to hide. He was writting to Atticus about everything and demanded Atticus to write to him - even if there was nothing to write about. All we know is that there were much more letters than we got today. It is debatable how much more, some say that few and others that 1000% more. It should be also considered that Cicero's letters were first published during reign of Augustus and if there was somthing really bad about Caesar or Augustus it was surelly removed and probably destroyed.
  8. Dont! Stay with us Augusta please and try:
  9. Persepolis, today Iran, its in the name of the file I think you didnt read the rules friend! - Geographic limits are the Greek and Roman world and its direct neighbours. (No India, China, Americas etc.) - The picture has to contain something from the city that makes it recognisable, but that doesn't mean it can't be hard to spot. - Wait for the original poster to confirm the correct answer before posting a new picture. - If the original fails to do so for a long time confirmation by displaying some kind of proof is acceptable. - No hotlinks, they usually give away the answer. DL the picture you wish to use, rename it and upload it to an image hosting site.
  10. Noone say that you are condemning him for that. I just said - basing on our earlier discussions - that you judged him on the ground of roman moral values.
  11. You cannot be more right Augusta. It really doesnt matter if they were homo/bi sexual or not, it doesnt make their lifes less significat in history. Considering that Alexander was bisexual and conquered the east, even if Caesar was a queen of Bithynia, it doesnt make him smaller or less genial person. Our MPC who represents strickt "catonian" point of viev may condmen Caesar or August - in the light of traditional roman social customs but in our modern times it is hard to claim that someone is "less a man" because in one or other way he is or was a gay. Can one say that Sacred Band of Thebes dont deserve our respect because were gays? Both in the times of Caesar and today, his enemies claim him to be a homosexual to show disrespect and make him smaller in our eyes. There is always posibility that there were such letters but are lost. We dont have all the Cicero's corespondence.
  12. Is it Roman temple in the city of Nimes in suthern France? http://www.bc.edu/bc_org/avp/cas/fnart/arch/roman_arch.html
  13. Even to Atticus or his brother Quintus?
  14. Even if there was somthing between them, after Julius became demigod and Augustus became a god, noone who apreciated at least his staying in Rome would dare to claim that Caesar and Augustus were homosexualists and couple. Its different thing to report that there were such rumours widespreaded by some enemies and different to make such claim by himself - and Suetonius didnt claim that. On the other hand - wouldnt Cicero write about it in his letters if there were such rumours? I dont remember reading about it.
  15. I guess Steven Saylor runs low on money. Having exploited poor Gordianus over limits he needs to start new saga. If he will do it in "Roma sub rosa" style, the first book of his new serie will be average and each next will be worse than earlier.
  16. Not really. In european penal codes there is no such punishment. If he didnt steal any monay there is rather law chance that he can go to jail.
  17. In different time periods different province were most important. In the end of Republic definatelly the most important were Asia (monay) and Sicilly (grain). Later Egipt and Africa. And surelly after romanisation Gaul became one of most important provinces.
  18. The "patron-client" system was adopted by Romans from Etruscans - who didnt have such great military achievements as Romans. So Roman discipline is more than that.
  19. I think that in the Northern America it is in Louisiana (USA) and Quebec (Canada). And english common law was also highly influenced by Roman Law.
  20. I havent heard about girrafes but women were often raped by bulls on the arena. I even know how they made bulls raping women but I dont think my english is good enough to tell it here in the cultural manner
  21. It would have been better if they didnt make season 2. Rome would become legendary show but now they screwed everything. It almost looks like season 2 was being made by completelly different people than season 1, only actors remained the same. Script writers of season 2 deserved the death on cross. Any of us would make it better. Kill all the poor writers!
  22. Robespierre would say that optimates are aristocrats who got power and populares are burgoises. Churchill would say that optimates are conservatives and populares are member of labour party. I wouldnt call populares - "commies" but the fact is that they were trying to buy the poorest plebs with cheap grain and oil and games.
  23. Posca is descendat of Chrysogonus - freedman of Sulla and in the same time he is ancestor of all those freedmen who flooded Rome's administration during and after reign of Claudius. He was loyal when was a slave but when became a free man he wants to be important and rich. We cant blame him for that but I hope he will end in the same way like this guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucius_Cornelius_Chrysogonus
  24. Actually there were even wars in which Roman patricians were leading their armies of clients againt enemy. If I remember well in Livy's work was described how Fabii took army of 5000 against someone (dont remember know who and when was it).
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