When I was younger, I always thought the Republic represented the continuation almost of Hellenistic social and political development in ideals, but in reality I now very much doubt that.
I always thought the odds at Mons Graupius were only 2:3 against Agricola,and while a 'great victory'for him, it ultimately did little to secure Caledonia for the Romans.
If civilization is the Congestion Charge, increased Council Tax to pay for the Council Tax, an inability to finish Wembley, a terrorist threat, overpriced housing and a high crime rate, I'm going back oop north to my cave in the Cheviots!
The article overall is good in its honesty that in the end the subject will probably never be truly solved but then the author writes "There is no evidence that we are wrong to wear blue and the wearing of white would surely be incorrect for field order" without reference to sources other than what his group of reenactors wear
Although the Eastern Roman Emperor existed until 1453, did the 'Roman state' exist till then or were simply vestiges hung onto in the hope of legitimizing rival regimes?
Two were recovered by Germanicus in 15/16AD, the third in 42AD by Publius Gabinius.
image of a coin showing Germanicus with a recovered eagle.