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Everything posted by votadini

  1. When I was younger, I always thought the Republic represented the continuation almost of Hellenistic social and political development in ideals, but in reality I now very much doubt that.
  2. Would you have any images of that in practice? My main reason for questioning the original image was the mechanics of it (camels being rather tall).
  3. One of the fairest, most accurate descriptions I've heard of BB and Ms Goody
  4. Was this possible?? http://www.livius.org/a/libya/bani_walid/b...s_dromedary.JPG
  5. They also thankfully play rugby as much, but in the book it's seemas terribly British. All good fun though.
  6. I always thought the odds at Mons Graupius were only 2:3 against Agricola,and while a 'great victory'for him, it ultimately did little to secure Caledonia for the Romans.
  7. Looked like Obelix???? I bet he's a wow with the ladies
  8. You're a Brigante but I'll let that go this time All the best
  9. That's what I've read, but were they in evidence before then?
  10. votadini


    Is that how they spell 'mosque'? or am I missing a Canadian joke?
  11. If civilization is the Congestion Charge, increased Council Tax to pay for the Council Tax, an inability to finish Wembley, a terrorist threat, overpriced housing and a high crime rate, I'm going back oop north to my cave in the Cheviots!
  12. Just a quick question re: Trajan's wars, was it during this time that the use of legionary forearm armour was introduced?
  13. Looks how I'd imagine Caesar. I see Rex Harrison (and rest his soul) but I just think of Dr. Doolittle.
  14. The article overall is good in its honesty that in the end the subject will probably never be truly solved but then the author writes "There is no evidence that we are wrong to wear blue and the wearing of white would surely be incorrect for field order" without reference to sources other than what his group of reenactors wear
  15. I'm trying to imagine Brigantes with flatcaps and whippets
  16. During the Empire, how common would such private retinues have been?
  17. And if all Druids were like Getafix, no wonder the Romans wanted them suppressed
  18. I voted for Rome, the birthplace and the model for the heart of the kingdom, republic and empire.
  19. Although the Eastern Roman Emperor existed until 1453, did the 'Roman state' exist till then or were simply vestiges hung onto in the hope of legitimizing rival regimes?
  20. I've always thought such distinctions passed at the end of the 2nd Cent.BC with the Marian reforms.
  21. If her DNA was traceable in modern-day Mongolians, how does it indicate Europeans moved east across Asia?
  22. IMO it doesn't matter really if the US government knew there were WMDs or not, that's not why they invaded anyway.
  23. Two were recovered by Germanicus in 15/16AD, the third in 42AD by Publius Gabinius. http://www.livius.org/a/1/legio/signa.JPG image of a coin showing Germanicus with a recovered eagle.
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