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Everything posted by Maladict

  1. Yes, I took the last picture from Google Earth too. Your answer is incorrect, though.
  2. The shape referred to the basin. I figured its distinctive shape would give it away instantly, so I kind of hid it by posting low altitude pictures. Here it is, in all its glory:
  3. You see, Mr. Constantine, the modern western world, made up more or less of the successor states of your empire, inherited Christianity as its religion because of your policies. Constantine: Well, then I guess I won't have to bother with that Donation I had in mind.
  4. Oh ye of little faith... It's behind the canal (and the castle).
  5. Still too hard, huh? Maybe a little altitude will do the trick. It's not taken from the moon, but it should do.
  6. Two of those are connected. Also note my reply to Gaius Octavius. Picture updated with larger version, nothing I can do about the jpeg compression I'm afraid.
  7. It would be so easy to guess if it was.
  8. No, not in Gaul or Britain, and no, it's not an underwater city It's hard to spot, but the clue is in a 'shape' in the top right-hand corner of the picture. edit: and btw, it was neither rainy nor cold...
  9. No help until I've seen some guesses
  10. You're right, it is difficult to know if it will be too difficult or not. So most people are googling for the answer? You people need to go out more and see these places yourselves
  11. Too easy, but I'll wait for someone else to get a chance.
  12. Correct! I urge you all to visit it, it must be one of the most underrated archaeological sites in all Italy. The museum and the basilica are very impressive, and it's lots of fun finding the dozens of ruins scattered around the modern village. It must have been a great city, back in the fourth century. Nephele, your turn.
  13. One last hint: The city was detroyed by Atilla.
  14. @Nephele and Augusta, I figured my comment would draw some responses Don't get me wrong, I don't just shrug it off like it's nothing, I like archaeology as much as anyone. I just think it's a little odd a toppled column gets all this attention. Things get stolen from Pompeii on a weekly basis, things get damaged on a daily basis. That's what thousands of tourists roaming freely and sub-par security will do to a place as famous as Pompeii. I've been there many times, and almost every year you can see the changes. There's only one way to stop it, but that of course will never happen, you need to be realistic. Pompeii is about the only place that draws tourist money to southern Italy (I'm exaggerating here). I know firsthand how frustrating it is when archaeological finds are snatched away or destroyed when you turn away for just a moment, but it will happen again as it has always happened. Pompeii, too, has been slowly ruined right from the beginning, in the 18th century. A bit of an incoherent rant here, I see, but I hope it gets some of my thoughts across. @Neos Dionysos Pompeii's security is not up to par with the Colosseum or the other places you mentioned, but that would hardly be possible given its size. The stray dogs actually do provide a service in that regard, albeit (mostly) unintended. There was a debate about installing cameras throughout the city to keep an eye on the tourists, but I believe it was rejected on aesthetic grounds (as well as cost, I'd imagine).
  15. Just following the rules....
  16. As bad as it is, I don't see what we're getting so worked up about. This stuff happens everyday, in one way or another. I can see why Guzzo is seeking publicity on this one as he suspects the camorra is behind it, but otherwise it's not such a big deal imo.
  17. No. I can't believe you fell for it Hint: It was listed as one of the nine largest cities by a contemporary author. That should narrow it down a bit.
  18. It's a spectacular little building The columns are part of the city's forum. The building in the background is there to help you out.....a little bit. I'm off to bed, back in about 6 hours with a hint if necessary. Happy guessing!
  19. It's Baalbek, isn't it? A temple, of Venus I'd guess, but I could be wrong. Definately Baalbek, though.
  20. It's not a bad thing if it's too hard. Try giving us a hint instead of posting a new picture. It looks like an inverted version of the nymphaeum at Jerash, but that's no help.
  21. Ok, it's been 24 hrs and obviously it was El Jem. Nephele, you're up!
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