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Everything posted by vopattes

  1. The article does not say that the single mold technique could not have been used in 5thBC (date claimed by museum). Would it be, therefore, an improbable sculpture unless from medieval times ? I suppose that the dating of the statue may also re-question the dating of the symbolism. When do we know that the symbol (represented or not by a statue) was used by the romans ? Did romans use this symbol before the republic ?
  2. i've got some links ; hope they help you this one has a nice review (and i think the author visits this forum) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/customer-...155&s=books i love soya sauce, i wonder if i would like this sauce. (i can't say if this is the best recipe but it's got pictures) http://www.coquinaria.nl/english/recipes/garum.htm Pentagathus offers his version of ISICIA OMENTATA http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?showto...&hl=apicius BTW Caldrail, i read somewhere that the pasta was a type of Lasagna. Any ideas ? I had always thought pasta was from Marco Polo ; perhaps just the noodle-type pasta ?
  3. TY for the "other" option BTW i'm surprised none use it ... My reasoning : All of these are why i am visiting these forums. My knowledge is too limited ... ? PS: Your opinions are useful and encouraging towards learning "eras" that i hadn't identified as such. I am wondering how to define these eras. Is this an "official convention" with start/end dates or marked by specific events/social changes ?
  4. Yes, i am not finding any mention of this during the republic in particular. This Hannibal story is perfect, and resembles Tacitus' story which seems to be a recurring event (hopefully not a frequent one), so it's close enough for me. But i've given up trying to make any sense of this odd topic : i can't imagine why it should seem to appear "all of a sudden" with the arrival of christianity (sharing of "flesh+blood", accusations against the Gnostics, ... ?) i was hoping for a connection through Law, religion, or something.
  5. very helpful, thanks again. I am happy to believe that Hannibal would have refused. I should offer nutritional info for the demented and/or unscrupulous inkeeper ... i believe it is healthier to eat meat of a species that is more distantly related then a pig, as such ... travelers probably chose the fish when available. As for the most unfortunate circumstances (shipwreck) that have occured, i shall look for the Raft of the Medusa at the Louvre in Paris ... you can see a small version in wikipedia at this link : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Raft_of...e_Gericault.JPG
  6. This might seem an odd topic, it all started with a conversation i had regarding that "pig's womb" recipe. However, it is a concept found in the greek mythology of Kronos, also, in sharing the "body" of christ, ... but i can't seem to find any historical or mythological accounts from pre-empire roman culture. Did romans express any view on the subject ? (Law, religion, medicin, ...) Did they ever practice it in any form ? (a mother mammal will eat the "stuff surrounding offspring") Or meet other peoples that did ? (labeling ones enemies as an inferior civilisation) I assume their views on cannibalism was much as is today, but if anyone has any ideas where to get some good info, i would much appreciate it. Your opinions or thoughts are most welcome. TY in advance.
  7. found this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_baths Thermae were available to everyone at a reasonable price ... i once visited Bath, UK. It would have been wonderful to jump in ... A tourist guide had said the city was thinking of making a new one, i wonder if they have. maybe they have ... http://www.bath.co.uk/_code/external.asp?U...rmaebathspa.com
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