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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Bombay211

  1. it would be immpossible for any other country beside the united states to become a roman empire because the US would crush any country that tries to start a major war in the would today the us allready has a "empire" since we control many smaller countries around the world and we have the most powerful military the world has ever seen. we also have the largest ecnomy in the world and plug american mass media like movies, music and tv thought the world. so in a sence we are just like the romans but speak english and have a different system of govt. so sady i dont think there ever will be another roman like empire in the world again
  2. you really cant limit the fall of the repulic to one man. there were many reasons that led to the fall of the republic like the senate not having full control and marius reforms letting generals gain huge power in the army possibly leading to civil war. but also just human greed by the leaders like Gaius Julius Caesar and the senate was doomed to failure form the start. thus proving that no one single style govt can last forever
  3. what i have hurd is that King Arthur was a roman calvaryman during the roman occupation but then again there soo many different versions of the legend that it cannot be proved if he was a roman or not
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