I have been reading and devouring just about every article I can find on the layout of the Roman Baths, specifically for a Villa Urbana or Suburbana, and everything I see, seems to contradict themselves on where the users undressed, and where the Apodyterium, the Frigidarium, the tepidarium, the Caldarium, and the praefurnium, and related passageways and doors...some, say the Tepidarium and Caldarium had small circular pools in them, some say they were just regular chambers, heated by the air heated by the Praefurnium fires and passed by clay ductwork into the various chambers, while others indicate that fires were directly under each chamberin the hypocaust, and ond site I looked at, had something about a triple-chambered boiler system which supplied the appropriate-temperature water to each...grrrrr it gets my old head spinning, and I would like to have contact with someone who comprehends these things, and can aid me in comprehension as I work in a virtual world called Second Life, to build, a historically accurate, yet appropriately sized one, first, for the Estate of my SL family, and later, for contibution to exhibits, inworld related to the Roman world.