I really didn't think I'd be talking about Indepenence on a Roman History site, certainly not my first post.
Firstly Caldrail the Union of the Crowns was one King two countrys. The creation of the United Kingdom was
another issue entirely, closure of the Scottish Parliament and all power dissolved to London.
It is a very emotive issue, myself I've been waiting since 1979 for this chance. In 1979 the people of Scotland
were asked about Devolution, the majority voted for it but the Non votes were added to the No votes so the
bill was defeated.It was said at the time that the Scottish Office would get more power what we got was 18 yrs
of Tory Government.
This is the key issue with Scotland never having a Conservative following, the majority of MPs and indeed
Councils are Labour. The SNP coming to power as a backlash against Tony Blair's " New Labour ".
New Labour being a re-branded opposition party quite removed from the traditional Labour Party.
So there we have things as they stand Scotland who don't elect Conservatives being governed by them.
The points raised about Scotlands lauded past in the first post don't really stand, The Enlightenment isn't
taught in Scottish Schools, we get the Romans, Bannockburn then jump to the Industrial Revolution.
One thing that bothers me is for years the argument was Scotland wasn't economically stable and relied
on England now if this is true why would an England reeling with debt keep this drain of resources afloat.
And why would the Conservatives want a NO vote when if you remove the Scottish MPs at Westminster
they would have a majority of 19 clear, no Con/Lib just absolute power.Why do they want to keep this
Millstone that is Scotland and deny themselves power.
Unless like a lot of things being said they're Lies.There's a huge amount of mis-information going on.
British politics are too London centric and now Britain is feeling the brunt of they're mis-management
I for one feel it's time to stand on our own feet.