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Everything posted by CiceroD

  1. OHHH Ok So they were more symbols then anything else I See I wonder how heavy the fasces is? Apparently it was considered a good job right?
  2. Kool That just summed up all the best scenes Not as funny as the gladiator pepsi commercial
  3. I honestly have no Idea what this spring steel is. I didnt even know that thr Romans had springs. but Im not surprised about the impracticality of some of these ideas Mr. Munn was a fantasy writer and, consequently, gave a legion in the time of Caligula a pre-marian organization eg hastati principes and triarii Caldrail yes they did have their auxillaries and even a large number of Balearic slingers but he does tip his hat to Roman Inginuity. he states that the only 13th equipment that was standard was the pilum because it couldnt be improved upon. Anyway, How large were roman caltrops? how were they used? I know they said it was kept in a leather pouch on their back.
  4. H. Warner Munn's Book The Lost Legion is hardly the sort of book one looks for accurate details. On the contrary Its a work of Fantasy. But the first chapter dealt with an informer convincing Caligula that this 13th Legion posed a serious threat. He did this by showing the "superiority" of their equipment. For Instance 1) all 13th legionaries had some training in archery and sling(ery)(ing). 2) 13th legionary bowstrings were the thinnest possible. (allows them to recovery and use enemy arrows but not visa versa) 3) Their scarves had a leather pouch to allow it to be used as a sling. ( they also had two thongs for the same purpose secreted about their armor.) 4) The highest segment of their lorica was brought up into a collar that protected the neck. 5) Their shields contained three throwing knives. It also had a sharpened upper edge. (allowing a possible decapitating strike when brought beneath someone's chin) 6) Caltrops were also secreted within their armor. 7) the Gladii were longer by a few inches. (centurion's length according to Munn) 8) Finally their helmets included "spring steel" to protect the danger areas of the temples and the forehead from frontal impact. Were any of these ideas practical? Would they be good ideas? If so why didn' t the Romans come up with any of them? What do you guys think?
  5. You know what also follows that pattern? the first Star Wars! I attribute that to the Imperials being from the sophisticated core worlds. sorry for the tangent but Im such a nerd !
  6. Arent we missing somthing in this discussion? What are the odds that these two tiny city-states produced two sets of male triplets and the odds that all six of them would survive past childhood? This is the most convincing reason, to me, why to disbelieve the myth.
  7. have you ever noticed that the accent in roman media has to be British From Gladiator to Victoria and Marcus in Rome Total War to Rome television series maybe that's where I got the idea that the British are more Romanophilic! Mind you I'm not complaining. an American or Australian sounding Roman would be just as bizzarre as a Cowboy who sounds like he's from Yorkshire!
  8. If only we could get the series to continue!
  9. Is it true Pantagathus that once you quit smoking you are immediately struck by the smell of other smokers? That you cant believe you smelled that bad?
  10. Yes you are right to say that decorum preceded practicality to the Romans, but if malcontents come after a consul with gladii in hand what could the Lictors do? Remember that they were armed with an unwieldly bundle of sticks!
  11. I would think that carrying a great big bundle of sticks on one's left shoulder would hamper bodyguard activity wouldn't you?
  12. I do not mean to gloat, but where I am, I'm surrounded by Romanophiles, each with their own unique view on History. A-HA!! I thought there had to be at least pockets of romanophilia in Britain! Why does Fortuna favor Thee WotWotius?
  13. I thought that the axe was removed from the Fasces within the city
  14. I agree with you Cato here are the definitions of Fundamentalism I am working off of from Dictionary.com 1)A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism. 2)strict adherence to any set of basic ideas or principles. For the purposes of this post I was referring to religious extremeism. But as far as being principled some explanation is necessary. Being principled is a good thing. but blind adherence to a set of principles without room for introspection and questioning leads to trouble Such societies have problems thinking and growing in new ways. Therefore they fail to find new solutions. thankfully Western Civilization (has for the most part) given up the principles of Racism, Sexism, and Ethnocentrism. No, but I believe that virtues and ethics must be open to change. Certainly the virtuous wife of the 50's stayed home to cook roasts. Of course she had to no time for her own career. Perish the thought of a Man picking up a vacuum! Change bring about new problems sure Change can be for the worse yes but it can also be for the good. But what is certain is that it always happens. I hope I havent made everyone hate me
  15. We all know about lictors and their fasces. Its also known that their principal job was to act as a bodyguard to whomever they were assigned. what I'd like to know is were they armed with anything more useful than their rods ? Was that taboo within city limits? Furthermore what set the (seemingly) arbitrary number of lictors assigned to the magistrates? ie 12 for a Consul 2 for an Aedile
  16. Phil I have to agree with Spittle. Sexual habits and Intelligence are independent qualities. Nerva may have had the same sexual preferences as Tiberius or Capri was really a large stoa where they debated the nature of air or both either way we dont know
  17. all I maintain is that fundamentalism IN ANY FORM is detrimental to a society
  18. Well it always takes a certain kind of person to be a history buff, But hopefully more Rome related media will attract more history buffs to be roman history buffs as I see it though the expense of producing Rome related movies an television is the largest obstacle as relatively few people read historical fiction
  19. Do you guys think that more Rome related movies games and TV shows would help though?
  20. These are the two extremes that threaten peace and security of our world ! I as a centrist (at least I like to think of myself as a centrist) must chime in.
  21. But - back to topic, It was my understanding that Romans (male and female) had many sexual peccadilloes that were tolerated. (as long as not displayed) I also know that, at least during the Republic such aspects of a public figure's life were often overblown. So I'm saying that its probable that Tiberius would rate as "a dirty old man" in our society. After all didnt he have great affinity for Hellenic Culture? Pederasty was a part of the culture too! But thank you Phil. You are very right that the legends surrounding Capri could of been a figment of the public imagination! But do you have any evidence? I'm really interested.
  22. Where are you from Marcus Caelius? I only remember American Hisory in "primary school'
  23. I thought that the Romans had little concept of 'Pornography' as we do. much in the same way that the kama sutra is a holy text. Almost all of the houses in Pompeii had newd figures or a depiction of Priapus. Didnt they? I had heard that the forum baths there contained sex positions in the cloakroom. I guess Im saying that I dont think that finding '*or*' at Capri will prove anything
  24. but how popular is pseudohistory? fringe groups will always believe what they want. but how likely is pseudohistory to pollute the minds of the majority?
  25. I think the low interest in the classics lies somewhere else. (If there's enough time for Civil War or medieval history there should be enough time for the classics!) I think it lies in the lack of time its taught in schools. I remember covering the Roman Republic IN ONE DAY! More Roman related games movies and TV shows wouldn't hurt either any other theories as to this drought of Graeco-Roman interest?
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