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  1. The extremities are gradually being discovered. The seaport of Lundeborg near Copenhagen was possibly a Roman trading centre. It's believed that Romans sailed a couple of times a year from east India to Oc Eo port in Vietnam for silk and ceramics from China. In theory a Nordic-Roman could have met Chinese traders and perhaps taken a boat to China and taken lacquer-paint ware back to Norway. The ancient world is looking more like the world we are seeing today.
  2. Early water-courses set the path for later streams and rivers. Some concepts are compulsive, such as vertical walls. Others are deliberately chosen. Mount Meru was perceived by early Brahmins as the north pole /fixed Pole Star around which the earth's territory is centered. It is notable that the UN symbol is the north pole view as a neutral panorama, and with the deliberate addition of the olive-branch of several thousand years' tradition. The god Brahma<IE brih "expand.fructify.praise" is seen in German god /brahm/ Bram of Donar, OE breme "high.famous.noble" and OSw.bram "state.pomp". "State.thunder (donner)" persisted as "reich.blitz" of Nazis, as mental concepts. European "mur" as "wall" , and "merlo" as "corner towers of battlement" indicate the persistence of words, images and power symbols. Included in that may be marble temples, praising the sun. chimera
  3. My point is the persistence of IE tradition, as with IE languages' persistence today. As a poetic image, US has circled back to Iraq near the IE steppes region where Brahmins developed the concept of the world-mountain of governance, and Marici sun-goddess of knowledge. It interests me that an ideal of world order , expressed in Angkor Wat of Brahmins in Cambodia, has now become realised in UN. A consistency of practice might be identified in Persian, Greek and Roman buildings of international rulership, possibly based on the Meru logo. chimera
  4. Yes. But also, NASA used Greek gods for a reason - it all still resonates with people. Just as we understand the "language" of Rome, they understood Greece and imported art and artists to make it happen. Logically, Greece in turn referred back, and apparently had common ideas with Brahmins who got their act together 1500-500BC. Hurrians and others in N Mesopotamia had Brahmin Vedic gods from 1400BC, in Hittite culture. The US Eagle with olive-branch (Noah's Flood) shows the antiquity of modern symbols which generate real acts (such as in Iraq, of ancient people of Brahmins). chimera
  5. OK it's a brief post, not a book. It lists bare facts, trying to avoid supposition. As a supporting parallel, here is a quote on persistent tradition:_ "Architecture is very derivative. Most architects use precedent to design their work. Thomas Jefferson designed the Virginia State Capitol, modelling it after a pagan roman temple (in france) now called the maison Carre, and thus establishing classical roman architecture as the standard for American civic architecture The Maison Carre The Virginia State Capitol, as it was when first completed. He did this because he felt that other contemporary styles were tainted by associations with monarchy, and sought to reference the purity of the style of government in republican rome. The Curia of Rome (where the senate met) were nondescript buildings, and rarely survived until the 18th century. Most of them fell down, or were converted into churches. Not surprisingly, Jefferson used the more grandiose religious architecture of Rome, because that was what was around to see.The great dome of the Capitol in Washington DC resembles the great dome of St Paul's in London, or St Genevieve's in Paris more than anything else. St Paul's St' Genevieve's Both of them predate the addition of the current dome on the US capitol building. So, in short, Jefferson saw America's republic as a rebirth of Rome's republic. Hence the architecture (and the eagle, by the way)".(end quote). Tradition from 2000 years ago and another continent is easily accepted today. chimera
  6. "Xerxes I, Darius' son, accepted his father's ambitions as his own. He continued both the struggle against Greece and the building of Persepolis. In gray marble symmetry, the palace city rose on a stone platform 40 feet high, 1,500 feet long and 900 wide. Every building demonstrated the eclectic Persian taste in architecture, combined and refined with the best of Greek, Assyrian and Egyptian styles"_ The ancient IE mountain of Brahma and Indra was Meru, of gold and jewels, seen in "Marici" /Eos/Aurora of the sun. Marble<Gk."marmaros" meaning shining stone, was used at Persepolis, where IndoIranian Brahminism fused with Zoroastrian ideas about Mithra. The new Mount Hara was equivalent to Meru, and Saka Persian Buddhists referred to Hara as Sumeru, "su" surya being "sun". The Roman form of Mithras indicates contact with Persian culture, and Mithradates kings appeared in Asia Minor after Persia's conquests. Meru was amid 7 ring mountains (L."murus" wall?) , (7 hillsof Rome?) , or mountains in square layout, and built in different cultures as a square temple of the 4 compass points. This is seen in Norman-French "merlo" corner-towers of castle-battlement, and thus in Gothic cathedrals with 4 corner-towers on the steeple. Question: where is the error in this? chimera
  7. "Marble" as Fr. "marbre"< Skt. "mar">"marici"._"Historique de la Langue Francaise".le Robert. Marici was the Brahmin sun-goddess, Roman Eos. It appears that merble was allocated a specific semantic for this Brahmin/Buddhist symbol of daylight and knowledge. The US Capitol does not imitate the drab, plain-walled Curia Hostilium but evidently copies marble temples. The deification of some Caesars show the the religious side of the Hostilium, seen in prayers in the Capitol DC. chimera
  8. "It would be fair enougth to call their drills bloodless battles and their battles bloody drills" That recalls the idea that politics is non-violent war and war is violent politics. Strange that Romans demolished Jerusalem because it revolted, but opposed early Christians for not being warlike - but established the church when it became militaristic. chimera
  9. "The truth is that all this has no IE (indo european or Internet Explorer)connection but a semitic protomuslim one that you in your imperialistic europocentrism try to hide." Right on the button! Yes, the main rival to Roman Christianity was Mithraic religion of the rag-heads from Persia. Mithra was born in a cave with elves, and Roman soldiers in Britain had shrines to the dude. The ayatollahs and imams of Tiber sewers sent suicide bimbos to the Senate , but the Forum got'em. You can't beat the forum. chimera
  10. Bp British Petroleum BC British Coal . Rome had a steam-driven piston to open the doors of Jupiters temple. Now it is revealed that the real reason for Caesar's decisive seizing of seams was steam systems. chimera
  11. BP Before Present, to avoid a Euro-Christian chauvinism in dating (and allow atheist Euros to be consistent). The Capitol DC building suggests a semi-religious tradition in honouring classical building styles of 2000BP. In turn, that indicates that Rome would also honour ancient values, perhaps the IE concept of mount Meru. The natural attraction that marble has shows how humans think and why the idea of a mountain of gold and jewels would be influential and accepted in early theory of governance. And that is why the barbarian hordes still pour into Newgrange (by lottery-ticket entry!) with its gleaming white facade, Acropolis and Giza, etc. Washingto DC was built to impress and it surely does. John
  12. Maeshowe and Newgrange at 4000BP are fairly ancestral and predate the white limestone-faced pyramids. Brahmins of Russian steppes and Afghanistan apparently developed teachings 3500-2500BP and IE language dialects from that region diffused/migrated into Europe. Coastal megaliths suggest that boats connected Asia Minor with the North sea , and boats obviously reached Eire etc. Brahmins perceived the north pole /pole star as cosmic mount Meru,and the mythic Meru is said to be in the Pamirs Afghanistan. Cambodia's Meru is built to represent that. The Meru shape of central tower and 4 corner towers (Norman French "merlo"= L. "murus"?) is seen in the square layout and central peak of Celtic temple at Gournay-sur-Aronde, and in the Pershore incense-burner made as a miniature Celtic temple in square shape with a central peak. The Taj Mahal may be in this tradition, also seen in Mother Temple in Armenia with 4 outlying towers, each having 4 gable-doors as seen in Pershore. Moscow State Uni. was designed to represent the ideal temple of learning, having a central tower and side-towers. This is the shape of the real Mt Kalaisa in Tibet of Hindu devotees. Rome's central Forum and the mountain Acropolis in Athens with their marble may recall these ancestral ideas in abstract. The concept applied to major sites of governance rather than general buildings. chimera
  13. Did someone say Stonehenge? (The Romans who went there said something..). Newgrange in Ireland, where Romans probably did not go, but from where some Irish probably contacted Gaul, has white walls. The evidence is that these quartz walls as rebuilt are the original appearance of Newgrange. (My grammar sounds funny). Norman-French "merlo" means the corner-towers of castle-battlements, and "murla" is armour ("wall"?), as in L."murus" and "mur" in w. Europe languages. The tower-steeple and 4 corner-towers of Gothic marble cathedrals are a form of "merlo", the shape of Meru as built in Sanskrit-Brahmin Cambodia. Newgrange Tara is a central kingdom amid 4-square kingdoms, and Newgrange and Maeshowe have 4 non-structural pillars at the corners of the chamber. Put into a pot and stir and what have you got? chimera
  14. Describing Angkor, Q.Wales referred to Greek-style shrines and mural-carvings of Gr. and Persian soldiers. The long gallery at Angkor recalls the Athens Agora collonade. However, both Athens and Angkor were at their peak after Brahmins developed the Meru idea and then recorded doctrines from 500BC. I wonder if the 7 hills of Rome were identified to make the link with Meru amid 7 ring-mountain? Was there a centralised city-layout to focus on a marble-lined building precinct? chimera
  15. Sanskrit is today the royal Brahmin language in Thailand, imported from Angkor Wat. Scythians from Greek Bactria in Punjab influenced the Naga snake-dynasties of the region. Thus IE Scythian culture reached from Cambodia to Poland, and to Greek Crimea. Thus the original post about Meru and marble :- Angkor Wat is evidence of European tradition , centered on Scythian Aryana-Afghanistan. The governance theme of Meru may relate to Roman governance expressed symbolically by marble "shining stone". chimera
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