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Everything posted by Lkysam

  1. I agree ursus. But I think that it is probably to late for any real change in Europe, and the US dosent really identify with is Latin roots in the same way many European nations could. This is rather odd considering we were founded on principles which adhere more closely to the Greeks and Romans values than they did to the value system which monarchs had set up in Europe to justify Fuedalism (namely that each person has his place and cant rise above it)
  2. In a way, this is true at any point in history, once an empire gets too big for its own good, it begins to fall. The only thing that can prevent this is having generation after generation of hard working courageous people who arent tempted by the vast wealth that is accrued by such an empire. And that is asking a bit too much of human nature . The idea of forming a new RE isnt a new one. Remember the "Holy Roman Empire"? The was fairly succesful for a while IIRC. Mussolini tried to re-establish the RE by allying with the Nazis inWWII. He came close to succeding, but Germany wasnt able to subdue England in time so they lost Africa, and then Italy, including Rome itself. I think that if any modern nation could start a new RE it would be the US. Militarily we out gun everybody else and economically were better off than the Romans ever were. But we dont have the attitude that we have a dvine destiny which the Romans held. Plus if it werent for imigration our population would be stagnant or declining. All in all I think it would meet with great success early on but it wouldnt last, and the benefits we would get from controlling and empire wouldnt outweigh the cost of maintaining one. Therefore, lets leave the RE where it is, dead
  3. Thanks guys! The papers coming along great, in a large part to some of the sources you all gave me.
  4. Im a sophomore in high school and Im taking a class on the history of Rome from its founding up until the end of the punic wars. Were mainly using Livy's books and its fairly interesting so far (but tough to remember all of the names ) Now I am supposed to write a paper (5-9 pages) on the organization of the early Roman military. Im kind of stumped here, there arent many sources out there that deal with the Roman army pre 350 B.C. (the time period I am looking for). If anybody here is an expert on that subject, or if you know of some good sources I could look at, then could you lend me a hand and tell me where to read about it? The rough draft of the paper is due december 9th, so any point in the right direction you could give me would be very, helpful (Im not asking anybody to help me cheat, just to point me towards any good books about the subject, or to tell me what you know about it). Anyway, any help would be appreciated, thanks! -Lkysam
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