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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Moonlapse

  1. I really do hope they find a lot of good stuff there. There's a painful lack of knowledge about that era in human history, which I am very interested in finding out. I am trying to make a family tree of civilization from about 30,000 years ago and all the information I find is so incredibly vauge.
  2. No problem. If you have more questions, feel free to ask.
  3. http://www.mwscomp.com/movies/mol/m-13-vii.htm About halfway down the page.
  4. What I basically did was find a theme that was relatively close to what I had in mind. I changed some of the colors and made a bunch of new icons in Photoshop. It takes a lot of trial and error to figure out where certain colors are defined, etc. As far as icons and text buttons, search Google for some Photoshop tutorials and you can find out how to make some pretty trick looking stuff. Check out some of these links... http://www.ibplanet.com/index.php?act=idx http://www.invisionthings.com/ http://robouk.mchost.com/tuts/ps.php
  5. Wow, thats the coolest thing I've seen in a while.
  6. The pond! Throw her into the pond! What also floats in water? Bread! Apples! Uh, very small rocks! Cider! Uhh, gra... gravy! Cherries! Mud! Uhh, churches! Churches! Lead! Lead! A DUCK!!! .... Who are you who are so wise in the ways of science?
  7. I read about some inaccuracies somewhere, I'll try to locate them.
  8. Thanks for sharing, we're actually planning on opening a book review section.
  9. They link to this site: http://www.syndic8.com/feedlist.php Maybe they use the stats from there? Hmmmm....
  10. Aaron, are you still unable to use the main page? Our webhost tends to reset the server quite a bit, so 10 minute down-times are pretty common. Thanks for the feedback.
  11. Interesting, although I thought that Christmas was the result of the Christianization of the pagan celebration of the winter solstice, along with replacing dieties with saints...
  12. ohhhh, ok.... umm an enormous increase in revenue?
  13. Should be interesting to see how the New Testament fragments compare to modern translations.
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