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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Moonlapse

  1. Or some symbols meaningful to the topic, instead of goofy smiley head.
  2. Actually, I think the state religion is the Cult of Phobos, Beater of Ass... PP can back me up on this. And last I knew we were operating under Martian Law.
  3. I don't have any real knowledge on the subject but then you say celtic war dog, I think about Irish Wolfhounds...
  4. If Caesar were able to participate in the first Tour de France, wouldn't that imply that he was undead? If thats the case then wouldn't he have super-human vampire powers? "What about the sunlight?", you might ask. Hypothetically, if he's ummm... well... um.
  5. I'll take the blame for this, I couldn't help it. Most people were engaged in serious discussion, and I was tired of waiting for someone to mention it.
  6. No, but we'll whip you if you don't use your new priviledge to its fullest!!!
  7. I'm not sure that anyone misunderstands the modern meanings of these words when used in discussions. Attempting to use replacements could actually cause a lot of confusion...
  8. I recently finished reading this book, and I have to say that at first I was almost disappointed with the ending and that something really bothered me about it. In fact, I kept thinking about it for a couple of days and realized that when the method of narration and the nature of the main character is taken into consideration, the story becomes something that is opposite of what the words in the book describe. This is the first time I've noticed that the physical method of delivery of a book can unlock a whole new dimension to the story, and now I wonder if I've failed to see the deeper meanings or implcations of other books... Aside from this astonishment, I found the characters and the subject matter very interesting. Almost reminiscent of Bret Easton Ellis, but with something much less bleak. Check it out at Amazon.com
  9. That makes sense. I was actually just discussing the Boogie Nights job with someone lol. Ahhh, but that would have been more comical. Its a shame to think that it didn't happen. Now I've dragged the thread into the toilet!! WEEEEE
  10. What I'm wondering is how did they find an actor to play that well endowed slave? And who was the person that gift wrapped it? Is that something you list on your acting resume?
  11. I can't duplicate the problem, is it still happening to you? What series of links do you use to get to the screen to write the message?
  12. Wait just a minute, wait just a minute!!!!!! In a battle of Comanche Native Americans VS Indo-European Cro-Magnon.... I'm sorry. Anyways, it almost seems that all the possibilities have been discussed fully. I'm sure that any new posters attempting to spark up another one will feel the backlash from the previous insanity.
  13. What do you mean 'theres really nothing white'...
  14. OK! The forum should be fixed for the most part. You'll notice some drop down menus in various places with some improved functionality. PLease let me know if you see anything weird.
  15. On a fresh install, this almost seems like a problem with your RAM, or even a motherboard component... but, it's been quite a while since I've had to diagnose a PC.
  16. I liked the older ones better actually... not sure why we changed it. I know why and I bet you can guess
  17. I'm actually re-developing this theme based on the v2.1.1 default theme with v2.0 javascript functions. I've come to find out that there are quite a few problems with this version botching good templates and creating javascript errors right out of the box. It will be a little while longer before everything is ok.
  18. This is a result of the update, which has gone awry. Fortunately, most of the problems are from automatic conversion of the theme.
  19. I apologize for the various errors on the site, Invision's updates don't work like they should. Bear with me and everything will be sorted out as soon as possible.
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